
Monday, March 28, 2011

Updates on Wintertusk from Zeke

I just saw this post on the Wizard101 forum regarding Wintertusk. I thought it was interesting to share.

1. Yes, you will be required to complete Grizzleheim before you can enter Wintertusk. 
Oh boy, means I have to work on my wizards that haven't even completed GH! EEEEEK!! Only Kelsey Fireheart out of 8 Wizards I have completed GH. That's Karma for me!

2. No, there will not be a raise in the level cap. 
This is quite Interesting. Means this is just a minor world. The new monsters are probably not even that much stronger than we think. Maybe same as Celestia? But regarding the level cap, I wasn't surprised that they wouldn't raise it. This is way too soon for another ten levels to be added. They couldn't have created a HUGE world like Celestia. I think Wintertusk is just ONE simple area of GH. Thats it. Probably through those Nidavellir doors. 

3. Yes, players who are over level 58 will be able to obtain their pet.
This is a great relief for those who were so worried that they couldn't get their pets if they were already Legendary!!

4. No, the Selena Gomez quest/rewards will not be returning. 
Of course, Selena is way too busy to come back. She's still on her tour with the Crab King showing the rest of the Spiral their wonderful new concert.

5. Yes, players who have reached Legendary will be able to obtain their new school spell. 
YAY! I wasn't even worried. But still can't wait for the new School Spell. Wonder what ours will be???

6. Wintertusk storyline has nothing to do with the Morganthe story line. The horn in Grandmother Raven’s hand has no bearing on the prophecy."
OOOooooh.. This is sooo interesting. Now I wonder what stories Grandmother Raven has to tell. Means I wrote that poetry that I have yet to post for nothing. ROFL!

1 comment:

  1. QUOTE:

    2. No, there will not be a raise in the level cap.
    This is quite Interesting. Means this is just a minor world. The new monsters are probably not even that much stronger than we think. Maybe same as Celestia? But regarding the level cap, I wasn't surprised that they wouldn't raise it. This is way too soon for another ten levels to be added. They couldn't have created a HUGE world like Celestia. I think Wintertusk is just ONE simple area of GH. Thats it. Probably through those Nidavellir doors.

    Wintertusk, I believe it will be a totally seperate world (not a feature of Grizzleheim) according to Norse Mythology Jotungard is one of the 9 worlds etc....
    Besides that, regarding info on Grandmother Raven please join the group (or check out) on Diary of a Wizard here:
    You may not know me well as sother bloggers (the rest of the w101 community) but, I'm the SOTS (Sorcerer of the Spiral), and I'll be honored if you could add me to your list.

    My blog/site's link/url is:

    Thanks very much!
    - M.W.S


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