
Friday, August 3, 2012

Pirate101 Sends Out Closed Beta Keys!!

From the desk of J. Todd Coleman
the Co-Creator of Pirate101

"Hey gang, 

This morning we announced the official start of the “Beta Test” for Pirate101. This is a big moment for us here at KingsIsle, and I wanted to write you a quick note to thank you for helping us make it happen.

As you can imagin
e, Pirate101 has come a long way from it's inception a few years ago. Over the past few years, I have had the distinct pleasure of watching this game grow from an idea, to a sometimes-playable/sometimes-wonky prototype, to a fully functional virtual world and many hundreds of hours of fantastic content. 

Our team has put in decades -- literally, if you laid them end-to-end -- of combined effort to bring you this fantastic new addition to the 101 universe. The art, the technology, the game systems, the story -- countless days and nights were spent dreaming, building, testing, breaking, ripping apart, rebuilding and then polishing to a (near) shine every aspect of this game. 

As you know (or will find out shortly, if you haven't gotten in, yet) our work isn't done yet. We aren't quite there, but... we are close! Beta is an unbelievably exciting milestone for us -- we finally get to show off what we've been working on, and it's scary and exhilarating, all at the same time. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I am fairly certain it isn't a train. 

To our testers: I wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for helping us test this game before we share it with the world. In helping us knock out the final kinks, you are taking a part -- and vital part -- of the creation of this world. 

To our community: without you, and the unbelievable amount of support that you have shown Wizard101, we wouldn’t be here today. Because of you, I get to wake up every morning and spend my days thinking up funny stories about Ninja Pigs and Monkey Conquistadors (Monquistadors!), and working with the best team on the planet making games that I love. I cannot express to you how thankful I am for these opportunities that your love of Wizard101 has given to me and my team.

We made this game for you, our players, and we hope that you'll love playing it as much as we enjoyed crafting it for you. Our goal for Pirate101 was simple: we wanted to create a worthy companion game (not successor!) to Wizard101. Easy to say, harder to achieve. Wizard101 is our first love, so it's a pretty lofty goal. but I think maybe -- just maybe -- we might have pulled it off. At the end of the day, that's for you to decide.

                                                                  See you in the Spiral!              

                                                                                        J Todd Coleman

                                                                                         Co-Creator, Wizard101 & Pirate101"

For more information on Beta Keys, check those links out!

Pirate101 Facebook page:

Got any questions? They have updated the Q & A at

If you have not gotten a Beta Key, don't fret! AMD Gaming is giving away Beta Keys! Check out the following to find out how to win one!

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