
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Blaugust Day 22: Wizard101 Member Benefits

While wondering what member benefit was probably coming up next, I thought that I should make a list of we have already seen to find out a pattern to figure out what's coming next.

So I have made a schedule of all member benefits that Wizard101 hosted since it first came out. I also have listed all of them along with the dates that they were available as well as what it's all about.

Nov 2014: New Member Benefits In Test Realm

Member Benefits are introduced into Test Realm for us to test.

January 21-25, 2015: Gardening Rewards

This is our first ever Wizard101 member benefit in the live game. During this member benefit which lasts for five days, we are able to earn double gardening rewards. And yes it means double seeds.

February 25-March 1: Pet Training

During this member benefit which lasts for five days, we are able to earn double pet experience.

March 20-22: Training Points

During this member benefit which lasts for three days, we are able to buy back our training points for free!

April: 24-30: Gardening Rewards

During this member benefit which lasts for six days, we are able to earn double gardening rewards. It increases from 5 to 6 days to give us more time planting, raising and harvesting them to elder.

May 6-10: Free Tournaments

During this member benefit which lasts for four days, we are able to enter tournaments for free which means free tickets win or lose!

June 12-14: Training Points

During this member benefit which lasts for three days, we are able to buy back our training points for free!

June 26-29: Pet Training

During this member benefit which lasts for three days, we are able to buy back our training points for free!

July 31st - August 5: Free Tournaments

During this member benefit which lasts for six days, we are able to enter tournaments for free which means free tickets win or lose! This time, we get extra two days which is super sweeeeet!

August 21st - 23: Training Points

During this member benefit which lasts for three days, we are able to buy back our training points for free!

And the rest is a mystery....

September: ?
October: ?
November: ?
December: ?

But I had a sudden thought while researching this. Do you realize that we only have four member benefits so far. Gardening, Pet Training, Tournaments, and Training Points? Yes just four.

I think my favorite is gardening so far because I am not Level 20 yet. Getting to Level 20 is like trying to climb Mt. Everest. Any amount of xp helps. Although double gardening xp is super sweet! Once I am Level 20 in gardening, I think I would focus on Free Tournaments or Pet Training member benefits.

 But, what other member benefit events would you like to see for Wizard101? I know that I would love to see a Fishing member benefit where we can earn double fishing experience! If they do ever introduce a fishing member benefit, it will blow all of the other member benefits out of the water. Double fishing xp for a week? YASSSSSSSSSSS! Right now I am Fishing Level 10 and we can become up to Level 15. But with the slow introduction of new fish which gives pretty good xp for the first time catches, it will take quite a while. So with the fishing member benefit, I believe that it would help a lot if we received double regular fishing xp. I sure hope that it does happen one day.

I also thought maybe that there should be a Jewel Socketing member benefit. Free socketing for a few days. Now that would be a nifty nudge for us to socket our pretty little gems.

How about a Crafting member benefit for a few days? All cool down timers will be disabled. This way, you can craft as many items as you want during the benefit without waiting for the cooldown timer.

Let us know what else you would like as a Member Benefit in the comments.
Also let us know your guess what will be the next member benefit and why?

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