
Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Blaugust Challenge - Day 1

One day in middle of July, I noticed a tweet from one of the gaming sites that had "Blaugust challenge" in it. I was instantly curious, so I clicked on it and was totally surprised as well as truly tickled.

It's hosted by a well known blog - Tales of the Aggronaut, owned by Belghast. Last August, Belghast started a cool blog challenge to challenge us into making one blog post per day for the entire month of August. If you survive it, you could win steam games, game keys, etc. And he's starting it again this year. And what's even better, this year the challenge is even open to vloggers!

I have been looking for something to challenge me as a writer, so I am hoping this will inspire me or wear me out. I am pretty curious if I will make it. And if I do, will it really change my writing skills or not? It's an interesting experiment for me. You should try it out as well for fun!

I hope that my posts for Blaugust will also be a great read for you. I will be making one per day, so I hope you can keep up with me. Can't wait to see what you all do for Blaugust. May the blogging be ever in your favors. I know I'm silly. But whatever, it's Saturday and I'm still half asleep. 

Want to join as well? Check out their official guidelines at:

Header Image Credit to The Aggronaut

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