
Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Sneak Peek of Polaris from Wizard101!

Wizard101 has released yet ANOTHER sneak peek. This time, we get to see a character as well as a building in Polaris!


Notice that sky? That's the Northern Lights aka the Aurura Borealis. It's a naturally occurring phenomenon in the Arctic and Antarctic areas. It's a light display that is one of the most beautiful sights that you can find in nature.

Video Example of the Northern Lights

Not only that, have you noticed the building behind the Polar Bear character? It's stunning! Notice the colored bulb roofs? Just beautiful. On the far right, there's an interesting shape of a door. I also love the border right below the bulb roofs. It's very candy cane in a way. 

And how about that Polar Bear character? He's really rawking the mustache and beard! He is obviously a soldier. I wonder if he's an important character or just one of the boys in their army? I love his gear, it's so simple yet elegant. I want that hat!

So, North of North? Are they trying to hint that there's an actual city named North that's set in North? Or an area literally named North? Guess we'll get to see for ourselves soon!

Are you excited? I know I am! If you want to see the above sneak peek for yourself, go to

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