
Friday, July 25, 2014

Yuletide Pack - Level 100 Gears

Yuletide in July is back! With that, you can get Level 100 Yuletide gears. Here are the stats!
Thanks Timmy for the majority of the gear stat pixs!
Thanks James for the Queen's Color Guard Shako, Winter Palace Robe pix!
Thanks to Calamity Pixieshade for the Winter's Whispering Axe pix!


  1. Been looking forward to this updated gear! Thanks for posting it. :D

  2. Wow the level 100 yueltide pack is actually pretty nice. The critical ratings for the clothes and the wands are amazing, definantly something I might want to look into. Thank you so much for posting all the gear from it! A lot of users including me have benifitted! :)


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