
Friday, August 1, 2014

Catch of the Day: Silver Streak!

This is the super elusive Silver Streak, one of the fishes in the Emperor's Retreat. I was trying to catch this fish for two weeks. Finally I spotted an Ice fish in the front pond and knew right away that it had to be the Silver Streak. You NEVER see any Ice fish in that front pond, so it was clear that it was. So I reeled it in while videotaping it for y'all to watch. It's a super fast fish, believe it or not!

The Sturgeon General is the last fish I need. It better watch out because Kelsey is coming for him!


  1. Just loved it. I will repeat what I said on Youtube: Loved the "Silent Movie" commentary and some silent movie era music would make it just perfect :D

  2. Yes Charlie Chaplin style parlor music would be hilarious!

  3. was this fast forward or is that literally how fast it moves?

  4. I should do that since I can't hear. But IDK how lol

  5. I would do that if I knew how and which music to use.

  6. I guess that would present a slight challenge. :P

  7. Ya know I didn't even think of that. My apologies for my insensitivity.

  8. Lol, don't worry about it. I didn't even think that you were being rude and all. It made total sense. Just shoot, I wish I knew how.


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