Monday, June 18, 2012

Stars of The Spirals' Pirate101 Skyways Is A Official Pirate101 Fansite!

I just am very proud to let you all know that our Pirate101 Skyways, the Pirate101 section of our StarsoftheSpiral, is an official blog/fansite on! You can see this at:

Special thanks to Tom Purdue aka Friendly Necromancer
for bestowing me this honor. I cannot wait to assist Pirate101 and Tom
in bringing you wonderful news and fun things from P101.
This is going to be a very exciting and amazing time for us all.
I hope you all will support us and spread the word about this.

I also want to say Congratulations to a fellow blogger and a great friend, Paige Moonshade,
for becoming an Official Pirate101 Blogger as well. It's such a honor to be in your company, Paige Moonshade.

Now, I want to celebrate this with a special contest for you all. I have 50 KIFG Tier 7 Codes
which will give you Mega Snacks and other things such as Umbra blade and other items. This was given to me from Cody Raventhorn. Much thanks to him for donating those!
So because of that generous donation, there will be SIX prizes, so that means 6 winners. The first prize will be giving 20 KIFG Codes. Yes twenty!

I will count all of the numbers up and the person with the most numbers
of course will win. If there is a tie, I will raffle them off in a random picker generator.

Good Luck Everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

PS: If there is any problems with this contest, please tweet me at @KelseyFireheart or leave a comment below. This is my first time using this application. And if you want to donate prizes, please leave me a message on my twitter @KelseyFireheart and they will be credited to you.


  1. Hope to see more great posts from you, I won't be joining the contest because that thing confuses me lol.
    ~ The Brave Pyromancer, Jason ThunderShield

  2. I like these style of contests, just it REALLY bugs me when I don't have a facebook/twitter and more than half of the stuff is twitter/facebook. Great website!

  3. I was given a list of codes. But one of them was already used. Otherwise the prizes were great!


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