Friday, October 21, 2011

New World Tease, Massively Awards and New Pet Drop!

Take a look at this new tease of the new world content. The code says "Down in the Depths."
Code credit to Kevin Battleblood and Katherine Light.

Vote for Wizard101 at Massive Online Gamer 2011 Reader's Choice Awards

And the last boss in Waterworks drops a new PET! It's called Boar Knight! WOOT! It's similar to the Pet Derby pet, the Boar. Except Knight has armor on, red tunic and red beard.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Guide To The Nightmare Packs

WHEW, Another Pack? Wowwwwwww. That's another huge hole in my wallet.

The new Nightmare Gear and Pet - Gob-O-Lantern

The new Nightmare Mount

This new Pack, the Nightmare Pack, is currently being sold in the Crown Shop for 299 Crowns each.
It's being sold for LIMITED TIME ONLY. So hurry and grab them up!



Halloween Cauldron
Pirate Jack O'Lantern
Halloween Doodle Stands (Vampire, Witch, Ghost, Ghoul and Scarecrow)
Nightside Tapestry
Customized Gravestone
Apple Tub
Bubbling Cauldron
Crate of Pumpkins
Carved Skull
Buried Bone
Vampire Masks
Obsidian Firecat Statue
Lit Furnace
Jacques' Saw
Jar of Bat Wings
Foul Cauldron
Fire Mummy
Pilloried Skeleton
Rattlebones' Feet
Pot-Bellied Stove
Dead Tree
Dark Stone Tower
Worn Shovel
Smoldering Tree
Slanted Grave
Customized Grizzleheim Sign
Death Shield
Death Desk
Death Banner
Large Candle Holder
Obsidian Chest
Brain Jar
Bone Hand



Myth Banshee
Golden Armored Skeleton
Red Ghost
Grim Scarab
Death Scarab
Life Ghoul
Death Imp
Death Treant
Pale Maiden
Black Cat
Ghost Dragon
Skeleton Knight
Ghost Hound
Ianthine Spectre


All are Level 60 stats - No Auction
There are lower leveled gears and wands, but I did not list them.


Darkwraith's Compelling Cowl
2% Pips
3% Acc
15 Crit
6% Attack
6% Resist
Gives 1 Animate Card - Summon a Death Minion at X pips

Darkwraith's Cowl of Penance
3% Pips
3% Acc
15 Crit
5% Attack
5% Resist
Gives 1 Card of each:
Empower - Gives 250 Moon Attack using 2 Pips for 0 Pips
Donate Power - Gives 3 Pips to Target for 3 Pips

Darkwraith's Umbral Cowl
6% Pips
3% Acc
15 Crit
4% Attack
5% Resist
Gives 1 Deathblade card - +45% to next Death Attack



Darkwraith's Shroud of Penance
5% Pips
3% Acc
6% Attack
7% Resist
Gives 1 Card for each:
Sacrifice - Takes 225 Death Attack to give 750 Health for 3 Pips
Spirit Shield - -55% to next Death, Myth, Life Attack Spells for 0 Pips

Darkwraith's Umbral Shroud
3% Acc
10 Block
4% Attack
5% Resist
Gives 1 Card of each:
Scarecrow - 450 Attack to all enemies and gives back the attacker half of the health for 7 Pips
Wraith - 575 Attack and gives back the attacker half of the health for 6 Pips

Darkwraith's Compelling Shroud
3% Pips
3% Acc
15 Crit
5% Attack
6% Resist
Gives 1 Card of each:
Deadly Minotaur - 70 Death Attack then 660 Death Attack for 5 Pips
Guidance - +15% Accuracy to all friends for 1 Pip



Darkwraith's Compelling Boots
3% Pips
30 Block
6% Attack
6% Resist
Gives 1 Steal Health - Steal 325 Health from Minion for 1 Pip

Darkwraith's Umbral Boots
6% Pips
3% Acc
30 Block
4% Attack
5% Resist
Gives 1 Card of each:
Death Trap - +35 % to next Death Attack for 0 Pips
Death Prism - Convert Death Attack to Life Attack for 0 Pips

Darkwraith's Boots of Penance
3% Acc
5% Attack
5% Resist
Gives 1 Card of each:
Dark Pact - Gives 300 Death Attack to self and +35% to next Attack Spell at 1 Pip
Empower - Take 250 Death Attack for 3 Pips (can't crit self) at 1 Pip



Darkwraith's Scythe of Penance
15 Block
30 Crit
1 Golden Pip
6 Cards of 120 Death Attack

Darkwraith's Compelling Scythe
30 Block
20 Crit
1 Golden Pip
6 Cards of 120 Death Attack

Darkwraith's Umbral Scythe
45 Block
10 Crit
1 Golden Pip
6 Cards of 120 Death Attack



Lollipop Wand
Witch's Broom
Hallowe'en Hat, Robe and Shoes
Pumpkin Mask (Kitty, Scary, Silly)
Mean Pumpkin Staff



Deadly Ninja Seeds
Deadly Fly Traps



Bat Wings
Black Stallion
Enchanged Broom
Purple Glider
Enchanted Broom
The Nightmare



Enchanted Broom
Bat Wings
Black Stallion
Purple Glider
Horned Sweeper


I marked the rank of the best cards in this pack. Some of them are brand new.

Atomic Fireball (Rank 7)
Caramel Popcorn
Crab Apples (Rank 8)
Cry Babies (Rank 7)
Gobbler Stoppers (Rank 8)
Peanutbutter Cup
Pixie Stix (Rank 8)
Rock Candy
Rock and Roll Candy
Rotten Candy
Jolly Rancher (Rank 8)
Harvest Corn
Misfortune Cookie
Salmon Joy
Wormy Apple
Gummy Bloodbat
Golden Candy Bar
Glowing Rock Candy
Sandy Corn
Senior Mint (Rank 7)
Spicy Bubblegum
Square Watermelon
Swirled Lollipop
Nutty Candy Bar
Big Squash
Buttered Bread
Stinky Cheese
Star Lollipop
Cheese Broccoli
Chocolate Peanut
Gummy Firecat
Big Squash
Spicy Bubblegum
Yellow Corn (Rank 8)


I added the card info to the new cards or unfamiliar cards.

Gold Skeleton - 380 Death Attack at 4 Pips
Ash Bats - Gives 245-285 Fire Attack at 1 Pip
Krokomummy - 375 Fire Attack at 3 Pips
Black Widow - Gives 40 plus 315 Death Attack over 3 Round at 3 Pips
Black Widow (life) - Gives 440 Life Attack at 4 Pips
Lady Blackhope - 215 Balance Attack at 2 Pips
Life Banshee - 275 Life Attack and +30% to next Life Spell at 4 Pips
Life Bat - Gives 15-120 Health over 3 Rounds for Team
Fire Bats - Gives 190-230 Fire Attack at 2 Pips
Frozen Bats - 200 Ice Attack and +35% to next Ice Spell
Death Bat - Gives 25 plus 200 Death Attack at 1 Pip
Brown Spider - 215 Life Attack and plus 30% to all Life Spells at 3 pips
Lord Nightshade  - 330 Death Attack at 3 Pips
Ice Bats - Gives 245-285 Ice Attack at 2 Pips
Red Banshee - 300 Death Attack and +30% to next Death Spell
Giant Spider - 390-450 Life Attack at 4 Pips
The Bonekeeper - 450 Death Attack at 4 Pips
Crow - Gives 180 Death Attack and Target helps you for 1 Round at 5 Pips
Clockwork Spider - Gives 325 Balance Attack and Power Pip Chance 40% at 4 Pips
Myth Banshee - 190 Myth Attack and Stun for 1 Round at 3 Pips
Lightning Bats
Skeletal Dragon
Ghost Touch
Skeletal Pirate
Time of Legend
Spirit Blade
Spirit Armor
Spirit Shield
Spirit Trap
Spirit Defuse
Blood Bat
Dark Pact
Harvest Lord
Black Cat
Black Mantle



Miniature Bloodbats - Prevents Rank 4 Pests for 48 Hours for 25 Energy



Glass  Vial
Perfect Citrine
Perfect Onyx
Black Lotus
Bronze Gear
Deep Mushroom
Ghost Fire
Red Mandrake
Spider Silk


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The new Walmart Hawkrider Bundle Card


The Teleport Tapestry is the Nightside Tapestry.

Pedigree is 59, Storm School
One of its original talents is SPRITELY

I know you can't see the wand,
but it shows on the game card what it looks like.

The new Super Bundle Card from Gamestop - The Safari Palace


GameStop Super Bundle - $39

Enormous Safari Palace
War Rhino Mount
Great Axe
Safari Outfit
Giraffe Pet
Mystery Teleport Tapestry
1 Month Sub or 5000 Crowns

Welcome to the Fallon's Safari Palace! All of the pets, gear, house
and etc etc, are credited to Fallon since it was her place.
 I wasn't able to take a picture of the Rhino mount,
but next time I see it, I will take pictures of it.

Close up of the Safari Palace.

Gotta love that view and the orange sky.

This statue reminds me of GH. Bears and that sort of thing. Love it.

Beautiful waterfall, there's a cave behind that that will lead you to an underground cave
with a Gorilla who gives out pet snacks.

The PvP Arena!

So love the tapestry in here and the wall art.

So love the backdrop.

Gorgeous eh? It has 4 huge lower rooms. Notice the hand railing's columns
of lion, elephant and zebra heads.

Right next to the bank, there's three tapestry:
Bazaar, Arena and Nightside.

Bazaar comes with the Nighthhawk card,
Arena comes with the Sun Palace,
Nightside is from the Nightmare Packs.

Beautiful Giraffe pet running around.
Btw, it's a Life School pet, if anyone wonders.

Giraffe dancing lol





Fallon here looks extremely fierce in the outfit.
And yeah the wand looks like a sparkly yellow can opener LOL.

 The top floor. Beautiful Views. It has 4 huge upper rooms

 Whew, that was a LONG ladder down from that crack in the first floor of the palace.

Yeah oh yeah, you gonna eat all of those bananas and not give me some? How very nice. :(
He .. err or she.. is like the genie, but instead of reagents, he/she gives out pet snacks.

This Gorilla has a very nice hairdo if anyone noticed! LOL

Out of the cave and you're back at the waterfall.

THE END! Hope you enjoyed the Tour!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The origin of the name Belladonna

Headmistress Belladonna Crisp

I'm sure that everyone wonders where the name "Belladonna" comes from. That's why I wrote this blog entry for you all who were curious about the origin of this name.

Atropa belladonna or Atropa bella-donna, commonly known as Belladonna, is a perennial herbaceous plant which is native to Europe, North Africa and Western Asia.

It is in the nightshade family, which it shares with potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, jimsonweed, tobacco, wolfberry and chili peppers. The common names for this species include belladonna, deadly nightshade, divale, dwale, banewort, devil's berries, naughty man's cherries, death cherries, beautiful death, devil's herb, great morel and dwayberry.

Atropa belladonna is a branching perennial sub shrub that grows to 4.9 ft tall with 7.1 in long ovate leaves. The bell-shaped flowers are tyrian purple with green tinges and faintly scented. The fruits are berries, which are green ripening to a shiny black, and growing up to approximately 1 centimeter in diameter. The berries are sweet and are consumed by animals that disperse the seeds in their droppings, even though the seeds contain toxic alkaloids.

Belladonna Bush

Atropa belladona is rarely used in gardens, but when grown it is usually for its large upright habit and showy berries. It is naturalized in parts of North America, where it is often found in shady, moist locations with limestone-rich soils. It is considered a weed species in parts of the world, where it colonizes areas with disturbed soils.

The foliage and berries are extremely toxic which cause bizarre delirium and hallucinations. The drug atropine is derived from the plant which is used for medicine. Even though Atropa belladonna has a long history of use as a medicine, it is also used in cosmetic and as poison.

Atropine is classified as an anticholinergic drug that affects the nervous system. Drops prepared from the belladonna plant were used to dilate women's pupils, an effect considered attractive. Belladonna drops act as an antimuscarinic, blocking receptors in the muscles of the eye that constrict pupil size. Belladonna is currently rarely used cosmetically now, as it carries the adverse effects of causing minor visual distortions, inability to focus on near objects and increased heart rate. Prolonged usage was reputed to cause blindness.

Both atropine and deadly nightshadeas well as the genus name "atropa"  names were derived from Atropos, one of the three Fates who, according to Greek mythology, chose how a person was to die. And the name "bella donna" means "beautiful woman" in Italian.

A. belladonna has been used in traditional treatments for centuries for an assortment of conditions including headache, menstrual symptoms, peptic ulcer disease, histaminic reaction, inflammation, and motion sickness. Atropa belladonna, along with related plants such as jimson weed, also have occasionally been used as a recreational drug because of the vivid hallucinations and delirium that it produces. These hallucinations are most commonly described as very unpleasant. And also the recreational use is considered extremely dangerous because of the high risk of unintentional fatal overdose. In addition, the central nervous system effects of atropine include memory disruption, which may lead to severe confusion.

Belladonna Flowers

The tropane alkaloids of A. belladonna were used as poisons and early humans made poisonous arrows from the plant. In Ancient Rome, it was used as a poison by Agrippina the Younger, wife of Emperor Claudius, and Livia, who is rumored to have used it to kill her husband Emperor Augustus.

Before the Middle Ages, it was used as an anesthetic for surgery; the ancient Romans used it as a poison (the wife of Emperor Augustus and the wife of Claudius both used it to murder contemporaries); and predating this, it was used to make poison tipped arrows.

Macbeth of Scotland, when he was still one of the lieutenants of King Duncan I of Scotland, used it during a truce to poison the troops of the invading Harold Harefoot, King of England, to the point that the English troops were unable to stand their ground and had to retreat to their ships.

Belladonna is one of the most toxic plants found in the Western hemisphere. All parts of the plant contain tropane alkaloids which is dangerous. The berries pose the greatest danger to children because they look attractive and have a somewhat sweet taste. The consumption of two to five berries by children and ten to twenty berries by adults can be lethal. The root of the plant is generally the most toxic part, though this can vary from one specimen to another. Ingestion of a single leaf of the plant can be fatal to an adult.
Belladonna Fruit

The active agents in Belladonna such as atropine, hyoscine and hyoscyamine have anticholinergic properties which affects the nervous system. The symptoms of belladonna poisoning include dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, tachycardia, loss of balance, staggering, headache, rash, flushing, dry mouth and throat, slurred speech, urinary retention, constipation, confusion, hallucinations, delirium and convulsions. In 2009, atropa belladonna that was mistaken for blueberries with six berries ingested by an adult woman was documented to result in severe anticholinergic syndrome. The plant's deadly symptoms are caused by atropine's disruption of the parasympathetic nervous system's ability to regulate involuntary activities such as sweating, breathing, and heart rate. The antidote for belladonna poisoning is physostigmine orpilocarpine, the same as for atropine.

Atropa belladonna is also toxic to many domestic animals, causing narcosis and paralysis. However, cattle and rabbits eat the plant seemingly without suffering harmful effects. In humans, its anticholinergic properties will cause the disruption of cognitive capacities like memory and learning.
Belladonna Leaves

In the past, it was believed that witches used a mixture of belladonna, opium poppy and other typically poisonous plants, such as monkshood and poison hemlock, into a "flying ointment" that helped them fly to gatherings with other witches. But, Carlo Ginzburg and others have argued that flying ointments were preparations meant to encourage hallucinatory dreaming. The antagonism between opiates and tropanes is the original basis of the Twilight Sleep that was provided to Queen Victoria to deaden pain as well as consciousness during childbirth. So witches probably thought they did fly, but only in their waking dreams.

Now you know where Belladonna comes from. Yeah, the Headmistress is named after something that can harm you, make you hallucinate and make you think that you can fly, poison you YET still help your health and make you look pretty. Makes me wonder a LOT about this character and what she will provide to the storyline of Wizard101 and Wysteria.
