In Test Realm, Loremaster and Krampus now can be crafted as a spell AND as a treasure card. This way, you will be able to craft the new KH weapons and gears more easily, which some requires the new Krampus and Loremaster TCs. When they are brought to Live Realm, you should be ready for this!
Thanks to Alexander Lionheart, without him I would not have known about this.
Thanks to Alexander Lionheart, without him I would not have known about this.
Location: Grady, Dun Scaith, Dun Dara, Avalon
Loremaster Spell
7 Loremaster TC
100 Perfect Citrine
200 Ghost Fire
50 Agave Nectar
100 Ancient Scroll
50 Astral Shard
50 Sunstone
12 Amber
Cooldown Timer: 18:20:00
Crafting Table Required: Card Crafting Table
Loremaster Treasure Card
7 Weakness TC
7 Sunstone
7 Aquamarine
7 Comet tail
7 Pearl
7 Turquoise
Cooldown Timer: 18:20:00
Crafting Table Required: Card Crafting Table
Location: Master Yan Kan Kook, Shirataki Temple, Shoshu Village, Mooshu
Krampus Spell
7 Krampus TC
100 Perfect Ruby
200 Ghost Fire
50 Black Pearl
100 Black Coal
50 Astral Shard
50 Sunstone
12 Amber
Cooldown Timer: 18:20:00
Crafting Table Required: Card Crafting Table
Krampus Treasure Card
1 Quench TC
1 Black Mantle TC
4 Ancient Scroll
6 Diamond
8 Shadow Oil
10 Black Coal
Cooldown Timer: 18:20:00
Crafting Table Required: Card Crafting Table