Wizard101 Spring 2020 Test Realm is Coming Soon!
Wizard101's KI Live on March 26, 2020 gave us a sneak peek at some of the game updates that we'll see very soon in Test Realm!

The KI crew revealed a handful of new and exciting features that we'll see in the upcoming test realm.
Pet Mastery System
How this works is, you play a pet game and do 25 wins (there will be different tiers). At that point, we'll see a new interface. Click "I want to finish the game", and it takes the energy away. Feed your pet a snack, and you can go on to the next one. The benefits get better at each tier. It will work for all of the games and each of the games will have its own mastery benefit. Note: The Pet Mastery System will not work in Grub Guardian.

Happiness - A New Pet Stat!
Feed your pet and your pet gets Happiness. Easy right?!
Happiness does specific things not mentioned yet but one of the things it does is it lets you play as your pet. When your pet is happy and fed, you can become your pet, run around as your pet, and even quest as your pet. When your pet is not happy, you have to feed it first. There are more Happiness features that KI has not spoiled yet. Wait for the teaser!
New Spiral Showcase Pet Promenade Event
A once a month event, similar to Beastmoon and the Spiral Showcase events, except it will be 100% pet themed. EXCITING!
UI (User Interface) Revamp
Tabs are being added so that larger items, such as viewing stats on wands, won't go off of the screen. Another new feature added with it is a Compare Window a new feature which allows you to compare stats (damage, resist, etc.) differences between your equipped gear vs the gear you're viewing. A new and improved way of determining which gear is better.
FTUE (First Time User Experience)
Like the improvements that were done in Unicorn Way last year, overhauls have extended to Olde Towne and Triton Ave. Leah mentioned that really cool new pet stuff are being added to those areas!
Advanced Move for Castle Decorators
This feature will make it a lot easier to decorate castles. If you're a rug glitcher, you won't have to glitch as much anymore.
New Monthly Calendar of Events
A monthly calendar containing upcoming events will be published and updated regularly.
All Official Fansites are participating in a special giveaway that is related to something mentioned in the KI Live stream. It's planned to happen once test realm concludes. Stay tuned for that!
Have you seen the Exclusive Test Realm Teasers that were released? Check them out below!
Teaser #1: @KyleIceW shares a sneak peek of a new and really awesome pet feature!
Teaser #2: @AwesomeTheSalsa reveals new Beastmoon Maps And PvP Matchmaking Changes.
Teaser #3: Legends of the Spiral released an exclusive sneak peek on Khrysalis Fishing!
Click on the graphic below to read all about it

Teaser #4: Swordroll released an exciting pet "Will Cast" sneak peek! Click on the graphic below to read all about it.

Teaser #5: @SeffersTM tells us about an upcoming mythical foe in Wizard101! Read about it out here.

Teaser #6: Final Bastion shares a cool teaser about stat bonuses coming to gear sets!
Thanks for stopping by! 😀🙌
This page will be updated as more teasers are released.