Brand new Christmas themed pack with brand new goodies!
You can find this pack in the Crown Shop.
Santa Hat
Santa Robe
Santa Boots
Candle Wand
Candy Wand
Gingerbread Wand
Sweet Staff
Mint Staff
Ornamental Paper Staff
Star Staff
Santa Robe
Santa Boots
Candle Wand
Candy Wand
Gingerbread Wand
Sweet Staff
Mint Staff
Ornamental Paper Staff
Star Staff
Red Candy Cane - Permanent
WinterGlides Skates - Permanent
WinterGlide Skates - 1 Day
WinterGlides Skates - Permanent
WinterGlide Skates - 1 Day
Red Candy Cane - 1 Day
Yellow Candy Cane - 1 Day
Green Candy Cane - 1 Day
Mixed Candy Cane - 1 Day
Yellow Candy Cane - 1 Day
Green Candy Cane - 1 Day
Mixed Candy Cane - 1 Day
Sweet Staff
Gingerbread Wand
Ornamental Paper Staff
Star Staff
Candle Wand
Mint Staff
Ornamental Paper Staff
Star Staff
Candle Wand
Mint Staff
Festive Yuletree
Galloping Reindeer Rug - Dancing Reindeer Rug - Snowflake Rug
Yuletide Present Giver's Bed
Yuletide Peppermints - Yuletide Candy Canes
Cream of Chicken Soup - Holiday Cranberry Sauce
Festive Yuletree
Snowflake Rug
Galloping Reindeer Rug
Dancing Reindeer Rug
Holiday Cranberry Sauce
Cream of Chicken Soup
Yuletide Peppermints
Yuletide Candy Canes
Yuletide Present Giver's Bed
Holiday Fireplace
Winter Bed
Tallow Candles
Snowflake Rug
Galloping Reindeer Rug
Dancing Reindeer Rug
Holiday Cranberry Sauce
Cream of Chicken Soup
Yuletide Peppermints
Yuletide Candy Canes
Yuletide Present Giver's Bed
Holiday Fireplace
Winter Bed
Tallow Candles
Small Candle
Tree Wrapped Gift
Snowman Wrapped Gift
Polka Dot Wrapped Gift
Spiral Wrapped Gift
Tree Wrapped Gift
Spiral Wrapped Gift
Polka Dot Wrapped Gift
Spiral Wrapped Gift
Tree Wrapped Gift
Spiral Wrapped Gift
Snowy Pine
Snow Basin
Small Snowy Tree
Large Snowy Maple Tree
Big Holiday Tree
Candle and Holder
Holiday Wreath
Small Snowflake
Green Holiday Ornament
Yellow Holiday Ornament

Yuletide Tall Whopper Aquarium
Yuletide Large Whopper Aquarium

Snowbound Yuletide Decor

Gingerbread Wall Icing
Snow Basin
Small Snowy Tree
Large Snowy Maple Tree
Big Holiday Tree
Candle and Holder
Holiday Wreath
Small Snowflake
Green Holiday Ornament
Yellow Holiday Ornament

Yuletide Tall Whopper Aquarium
Yuletide Large Whopper Aquarium
Yuletide Tanks
Yuletide Tall Whopper AquariumYuletide Large Whopper Aquarium

Snowbound Yuletide Decor

Gingerbread Wall Icing
Snowbound Yuletide Decor
Gingerbread Wall Icing
Holiday Striped Wallpaper
Fresh Powder Floor
Gingerbread Wall Icing
Holiday Striped Wallpaper
Fresh Powder Floor
Music Scrolls
Carol of the Bells Theme
Deck the Halls Theme
Deck the Halls Theme
Evil Snow Peas
Snow Apples
Snow Apples
Pet Snacks
Crystal Bites - Rank 8
Bedrock Bombers
Bedrock Bombers
Gingerbread Wizard - Rank 7
Simple Sugar Pop
Chili Peppermint
Ninja Figgy Pudding
Cry Babies
Hickory Chicory
Crystalweb Candy
Chocolate Comet
Candy-Caned Yams - Rank 6
Gingerbread House
Cheese Cake
Assaulted Caramels
Chili Peppermint
Ninja Figgy Pudding
Cry Babies
Hickory Chicory
Crystalweb Candy
Chocolate Comet
Candy-Caned Yams - Rank 6
Gingerbread House
Cheese Cake
Assaulted Caramels
Sourpuss Stovies
Egg Nog - Rank 5
Rock And Roll Candy
Gummy Humongofrog
Rock And Roll Candy
Gummy Humongofrog
Nutty Candy Bar - Rank 4
Star Lollipop
Athame Pop
Glowing Rock Candy
Peanutbutter Cup
Candy Bar - Rank 3
Athame Pop
Glowing Rock Candy
Peanutbutter Cup
Candy Bar - Rank 3
Learnt Spells
Evil Snowman
Jolted Snowman
Frost Flower
Treasure Cards
KrampusEvil Snowman
Jolted Snowman