Monday, December 15, 2014

Brand New Holiday Furniture from Wizard101 and Pirate101!

Merry Christmas, Pirates and Wizards! The Holiday Season is upon us and with that, we got brand new cool furniture never seen before in both games which are found in the Crown Shop.

There are more furniture than what is listed below, however they were introduced years ago. I am featuring only the brand new ones that have been added this month.

Also even though you can buy the below items for crowns and gold, I have only showed the gold prices with the exception for the Reindeer Flooring which is Crowns only. I'm not sure why.

**Do not forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them for better viewing.**

Pirate101 New Holiday Furniture

Wizard101 New Holiday Furniture

I can't wait to see what you all come up with those cool new furniture. Just do not forget that there's even MORE new Holiday Furniture in the new Wintertime Pack. We have listed all of the Wintertime Pack's new furniture items there along with pictures in our Wintertime Pack Guide.

Happy Holidays, Everyone!
