So what should we expect for this Test Realm which will include the Spring Update to come soon? Let's review what we know.
Bedazzle What?
1. Bling Bling! - Wizard101 has said that a future game addition is going to bring some bling and if we would like our gear to be "be dazzled"? So what could it be?! I sure hope that it means we could stitch new patterns and new sparkle looks to our gear. Or does this mean a new stat is coming for our gears?!
Update: They have released a Vine that CLEARLY shows a new shop in the Shopping District with this quote - "What's this in the Shopping District? I'm confused... and bedazzled. :)" Wow, a new shop? Ooh I wonder what it will be.
New Dragonspyre Fishing Area?
2. New Dragonspyre Fishing Area - New fish, new Fishing NPC? I sure hope that there will be new fishing spells and tanks. There's a debate that if this will hit Test Realm or Live Realm. So many questions. But we will find out for sure soon. Aren't you excited?!
New House?
3. New House - Gary who works at KingsIsle has hinted at working on a new house for Wizard101. Swordroll did state that he thought that the house will hit Live Realm, not Test Realm. This made me instantly think that the new house probably will show up in the Crown Shop once Test Realm hits Live. They have done this before with other new houses. What kind of house do you think it would be?
Helpful Wizards?
4. Helpful Wizards - Gary also mentioned that it will be easier to be a helpful wizard. What a mysterious clue. Helpful how? Group questing? Frostcaller said that he thought that it's related to reporting glitches and Matthew Dragonblade thought that it could be about being able to port into dungeons. But what do you think that it could be?!
New Badges?
4. New Badges Or Makeover? - Does this mean that we will have new badges or there will be a new makeover for the badge section?!