Thursday, March 26, 2015

New Test Realm Fishes!

So far, there are 25 brand new fish in Dragonspyre in Test Realm. YES 25!! I have listed all of them here so it's easy for you to find them without searching for info on them. Enjoy!

All of the Fish below has been added to Live.

Red Armored Fish

Everywhere, DS

Dragonfly Fish

The Athenium, DS

Hard Albacore

Plaza of Conquests, DS

Spyre Eel

The Grand Chasm, DS
The Drake Hatchery, DS
The Labyrinth, DS

Sweet Yellow Orunion

The Crucible, DS

Labyrinth Fish

The Labyrinth, DS

Trigger Fish

The Grand Chasm, DS

Devil Ray

The Crystal Grove, DS

Ember Parrot

Tower Archives, DS


The Drake Hatchery, DS

Pickled Herring

Crystal Groves, DS

Soul Searcher

The Necropolis, DS

Freshlava Smelt

The Forum, DS

Rambo Fish

The Drake Hatchery, DS

Purple Grunion

The Drake Hatchery, DS

Sam Bass

The Grand Chasm, DS

Undead Spyre Eel

The Forum, DS

SURPRISE! Yes there's a new Epic Fish in Wintertusk!

Red Grunion

Nordilund, WinterTusk

(This Fish is actually an Rank 3 Epic)

*The Schools of Fish*

The following fish are pretty much found everywhere in Dragonspyre. For instance, the Fish School of Fish would be found anywhere there is Fire Fish.

Balance School of Fish
The Grand Chasm, DS

Life School of Fish
The Athenium, DS

Myth School of Fish
The Crucible, DS

Death School of Fish
The Athenium, DS

Fire School of Fish
The Athenium, DS

Storm School of Fish
The Labyrinth, DS

Ice School of Fish
The Grand Chasm, DS

Thank you Iridian Willowglen for helping out with the pictures, locations and information!
