Saturday, June 19, 2010

Advanced Pets

In the end of May of 2010, Advanced Pets were introduced. You can hatch your own babies, train them in cute mini games and race them in the derby races.

The combinations can be really freaky or really cool!!!

My ONLY compliant is that the price of breeding of two rare pets is TOO MUCH!! It takes forever to earn 80, 90 thousand gold just to hatch. I know Wizard101 wants to keep it rare. But that much? I don't think the new hatching place will be used often.

I can get my own school houses for 100,000 that I can use everyday and it's HUGE!!! So to get a rare pet the same price as school houses? RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only bonus I like about this new addition is training them and racing them. It's fun. And also fighting bosses to find new pets. I have SO MANY pets!! But I love setting them in my house and just watch them run.

This is something that we can do while waiting for the new world of Celestia that will come in late summer of 2010.
