Me and Cody Raventhorn were discussing about spells and here's what we came up with. We thought of utility spells as well as future main school spells. Any spells with * was his idea, otherwise it's mine.
2 pips
Block an Incoming Beguile
2 pips
3 white pips over 3 rounds
2 pips
Prevents a blade being put up on Target whether by self or from friends
2 pips
Prevents a trap being put up on self from enemies.
Calm Skies
2 pips
Takes away any bubble in effect
2 pips
Puts fog in the front of the enemies with a little bit fire on the ground, -30 accuracy on all.
The Riverman
Could be Level 78 Spell
Rises out of the foggy water with a lantern with a gold coin in its hand, sitting in a rowboat under dark skies with a moon above. He will put his hand toward a single enemy and then pull the soul out of the enemy, the enemy crashes to ground.
The Three Fates*
Could be Level 78 Spell
Three witches standing and cackling together, whipping a golden thick ribbon thread squeezing around an enemy, then cutting it which releases their soul to gently exit of their body and their bodies crash.
Could be Level 78 Spell
He wakes up next to a rock and a tree and casts an aging spell on an enemy then turns them into an old monster. The enemy will shriek and just wither and then they just explode into dust.
Ghost Ship
Could be Level 78 Spell
A ghost pirate boat rises out of murky foggy water, there's ghost pirates on it too, then the boat turns sideways and boom boom boom! Cannon fire on all of the enemies.
Could be Level 78 Spell
A mountain rises up with a sheep standing near the top and he says BAA! Suddenly it shakes a bit, then an avalanche comes down and knocks into all enemies.
Snow Ram
Could be Level 78 Spell
Snow covered evergreens pop up and out of it, a huge snow ram runs out and rams into a single enemy.
Fire Eater
Could be Level 78 Spell
A caravan van with horses comes on the scene with "Fire Eater" on the side of it and out of the door steps out a gypsy in a turban and gypsy really dull dark purple and green or gray trim. He starts blowing fire either at a single or all enemies.
Could be Level 78 Spell
A old guy in a wig flies a kite and the storm clouds covers the sky and it's lightening, so the old man wraps the kite's string around an enemy. Then lightning strikes the kite, then down the string and electrocutes the enemy.
Could be Level 78 Spell
A woman with a cat head pops up, crouches on the ground like a cat, then pounces, clawing a single enemy or all enemies in a single stroke.
Could be Level 78 Spell
A jungle boy with wild hair and green tunics (like Peter Pan) swings down from a tree, then throws the boomerang to hit a single or all enemies in a single stroke.
Could be Level 78 Spell
A boy with wings that are obviously human made from wax and feathers drops down on an enemy and beats it with a wood branch stick.
Honestly I think the Stun spell should be revamped. Every time you are stunned, you should be stuck and encased in an ice cube for the round.