Am still collecting information so please bear with me
while I am fighting through Avalon to bring you the information.
Not yet to the end!
Level 70 Spell Trainer:
You must be 70 and have completed the "Into The Nest" quest.
For Level 72:
You must be Level 72.
Quest: No Pain, No Agravaine.
Snowdrift - 2 Pips. Steal 1 Heal Over Time.Fire:
Detonate - 4 Pips. Destroy 1 Damage Over Time and Deal 100% Damage.
Enfeeble - 3 Pips. Remove All Positive Charms from Enemy.
Master Triage - 3 Pips. Removes 1 Damage Over Time from All Friends.
Master Infection - 3 Pips. -50% to Next Heal for All Enemies.
Shift - 6 Pips. Push 1 Damage Over Time to Target.
Mana Burn - 5 Pips. Deal 80 damage per Pip your Opponent has and Remove 3 Pips.
For Level 75:
You have to be Level 75 and have gotten the Level 72 Spell.
Quest: "Always After Me Charms"
Cooldown - 3 Pips. Remove 1 Tick from All Damage Over Time Effects.Fire:
Backdraft - X Pips. +15% Per Pip to Next Fire Spell.
Healing Current - 3 Pips. 100, 400, or 1000 Heal.
Guardian Spirit - 5 Pips. Regain 25% Health After Being Defeated.
Bad Juju - 4 Pips. 500 Damage to Self, Put -90% Damage Charm on Opponent.
Dimension Shift - 3 Pips. Trade All Hanging Effects with Minion.
Supernova - 2 Pips. Target Aura is Destroyed, Dealing 535 Damage.
Level 80 Spell Trainer: