Stopped by the Gamestop to check if the P101 Cards snuck in. But the P101 Cards were not in yet.
But I took pictures of the stand where you originally get your game cards at.
The first thing I noticed when I walked up to it was the poster with Pirate101 and Wizard101's logo
and pictures of their game cards plastered all over it.
It was super cool knowing that my fansite represented both games
and I was so proud of seeing W101 & P101 being showed off this much.
It's like watching your best friend winning 1st place in American Idol!
First item: Shark Gear?
Second gear: Shark Weapon?
Third Item: Ship?
4th: Companion?
5th: House?
6th: 1 Month Membership or 5,000 Crowns.
On other note, IGN is giving away P101 Boochbeard Bundles!!
You just need to write a 3 line Haiku poem to enter. That's it.
So hurry up and enter, you could be one of the 10 winners!
Good Luck, hope to see you on the skyways of P101.
The IGN Contest deadline is Midnight of Oct 7th.
IGN P101 Bundle Giveaway at: