Thursday, December 13, 2012

Yuletide Pack Loot Roll

Oh joy! Finally there is a Christmas pack with amazing items including a Treant Mount, Nutcracker pets and more! It is only available during the Christmas Time. Grab it while it's available.


*courtesy of Timothy Titan*

Treant Mount - Permanent

Mixed Candy Cane Permanent
Pink Candy Cane Permanent
Blue Candy Cane Permanent
Yellow Candy Cane Permanent

Blue Candy Cane 7 Days
Green Candy Cane 7 Days
Red Candy Cane 7 Days
Pink Candy Cane 7 Days
Mixed Candy Cane 7 Days
Yellow Candy Cane 7 Days

Pink Candy Cane 1 Day
Mixed Candy Cane 1 Day
Red Candy Cane 1 Day
Yellow Candy Cane 1 Day
Blue Canddy Cane 1 Day


Snow Pile
Small Snowy Maple Tree
Holiday Fireplace
Tree Wrapped Gift
Large Fir Tree
Medium Fir Tree
Large Candle Holder
Blue Holiday Ornament
Yellow Holiday Ornament
Red Holiday Ornament
Small Snowy Pine
Snow Basin
Big Large Snowy Evergreen
Small Snowflake
Holiday Tree
Star wrapped Gift
Holiday Wreath
Polka Dot Wrapped Gift
Long Polka Dot Wrapped Gift
Snowflake Wrapped Gift
Snowman Wrapped Gift
Tree Wrapped Gift
Spiral Wrapped Gift
Tallow Candles
Large Snowflake
Candle and Holder
Winter Wyrm Bobblehead
Gingerbread House
Winter Bed

Fresh Powder Floor
Winterblue Wallpaper
Night Snow Wallpaper
Holiday Striped Wallpaper


Chocolate Crickets - Rank 8 - Myth
Crystal Bites - Rank 8 - Storm
Mince Pie - Rank 8 - Balance
Jolly Rancher - Rank 8 - Myth
Bedrock Bonbons - Rank 8 - Balance
Feliz Romeritos - Rank 8 - Life
Roast Beast - Rank 8 - Death
Gobbler Stoppers - Rank 8 - Ice
Pixie Stix - Rank 8 - Life

Simple Sugar Pop - Rank 7 - Ice
Hickory Chicory - Rank 7 - Ice
Crystal Web Candy - Rank 7 - Death
Snow Apple Cider - Rank 7 - Ice
Gingerbread Wizard - Rank 7 - Fire

Ninja Figgy Pudding - Rank 7 - Death
Chocolate Comet - Rank 7 - Fire

Cry Babies - Rank 7 - Storm
Senior Mint - Rank 7 -Balance
Pyramints - Rank 7 - Myth
Simple Sugar Pop - Rank 7 - Ice

Candy-Caned Yams - Rank 6 - Storm
Gummy Wyrms - Rank 6 - Balance
Jar of Jelly Beans - Rank 6 - Myth
Jar of Jellybeans - Rank 6 - Myth
Cheese Cake - Rank 6 - Myth
Grinch Stovies - Rank 6 - Myth

Rock and Roll Candy - Rank 5 - Death
Gummy Humongofrog - Rank 5 - Life
Glowing Taffy - Rank 5 - Fire
Egg Nog - Rank 5 - Life

Nutty Candy Bar - Rank 4 Balance
Athame Pop - Rank 4 - Ice
Gummy Bloodbat - Rank 4 - Balance
Star Lollipop - Rank 4 - Storm
Peanutbutter Cup - Rank 4 - Life

Gummy Firecat - Rank 3 - Storm
Lollipop - Rank 3 - Ice
Candy Bar - Rank 3 - Death


Frost Flower
Black Coal


Evil Snowman
Frosty Fish
Christmas Elf
Snow Beast
Yuletide Spirit

Lump of Coal


Purple Snow Apples
Evil Snow Peas
Frozen Fly Trap
Happy Holidaisy
Snow Apples
Missle Toe
Point Setta
Green Snow Apples



Raven Helm of Unkindness
Armor of Many Winters
Unkind Winter Boots

Santa Hat
Santa Robe
Santa Boots

 Queen's Color Guard Shako
Queen's Color Guard Jacket
Queen's Color Guard Boots

Royal Fusilier's Dress Shako
Royal Fusilier's Dress Coat
Royal Fusilier's Boots

Winter Palace Guard Shako *courtsey of Swordroll*
Winter Palace Full Dress Coat
Winter Palace Cavalry Boots

Color Guard Wintergreen Blade
Winter Palace Spikeleaf Sword
Fusilier's Fireberry Saber


Star Staff
Nutcracker Wand
Candle Wand
Sweet Staff
Gingerbread wand
Ornamenal Paper Staff
Misty Mountain Mondolin
Four Bells Ringing
Winter's Whispering Axe
Mint Staff

Treasure Cards
Jolted Snowman - 2 Pips - Storm - 240-300 Storm Attack
Magma Man - 2 Pips - Fire - 240-300 Fire Attack
