Practice PvP can be so confusing. I'm always going "WAIT.. That's YOUR companion? Are you on my team?" So I thought that it would be neat if on the battleboard,
each person on each team would be blue or red according to which team they are on.
This way we can at least tell them apart from each team.
There should be at least 8 different colors. Currently there's only 4, so it's confusing if there's two person with the same color. Even more when both of their companions are also the same color.
THEN, secondly I'd like maybe a small star or a symbol on each person and their companions,
so we can tell who belongs to who. Or at least the trim of the person's icon on the battleboard would be a different color.
Everyone's so colorful, you can see who's who, but I don't have the time to keep track of who is who because I'm already planning in my head what next I gotta do. And sometimes I love watching the animations. I tend to decide my moves once the board is up.
But, the Practice PvP battleboard can be so confusing. I'm always going "WAIT.. That's YOUR companion? Are you on my team?"
There should be at least 8 different colors. Currently there's only 4, so it's confusing if there's two person with the same color.
So I thought that it would be neat if on the battleboard,
all people on each team would be blue or red according to which team they are on.
This way we can at least tell them apart from each team.
THEN, secondly I'd like maybe a small colored star or a symbol on each person and their companions,
so we can tell who belongs to who. Or at least the trim of the person's icon on the battleboard would be a different color. I only have 30 seconds to rush, I can't always remember who belongs to who.
Or check each companion. AND be able to move all of my companions.
In this battleboard, you notice two people who are green, two people who are red, so I can't make a judgement call and say "HEYYY that person has only one companion left, maybe I should heal or attack them" or whatever you'd like to do.