Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wizard101 Test Realm Is Online!

New Azteca Housing Furniture!

When you press X, the sink either fills up (if empty) or empties out (if full)

When you press X, the sink either fills up (if empty) or empties out (if full)

After test comes to live, all of our ranks will be reset
and any new badges we get will say 2nd age (insert rank).
The old ranks we will keep, but they will be 1st age.
So PvP now before test comes to live if you want a special 1st Age Warlord badge!
This applies to Pet Derby as well.

Craftable House Recipes, Abbey Road, Avalon

In the house on the lake - One Room, No Secret Rooms

In the hut - Can't climb ladders, One Room, No Secret Rooms

New Hairstyles!

New "Events/Lost Pages" Quest!

Then you have to go to each world that Harold mentioned to speak to someone about lost pages.
They are usually right in the building of the world gate or right outside.
Like Krokotopia for example, you have to speak to Sergeant Major Talbot.
It's Commons, Kroktopia, Mooshu, Celestia, Avalon and Azteca that you have to visit.
Each world you finish, you get a special badge!
