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*Warning, Spoilers*
I was sitting in the tavern, drinking yum when the bartender suddenly says that Avery needs me. It's time! So we quickly ran to his office with the anticipation of our next adventure for the next piece of the map!
This is where our journey starts! We all cheer, raising our swords in the air! Avery chuckles.
We sailed straight to where Catbeard moored his ship in the toothy cave. But he wasn't there. So we spoke to Mr. Norrington and asked him where was Catbeard? Oy vey, what have Catbeard got himself into?! Pickled herrings? I got a bad feeling about this.
We sailed to Port Regal where we talked to the bartender in the tavern there. He told us that Catbeard is in Marleybone. He also said that Lytton would tell us how to get the windstone for that world. After entering Lytton's house, he said he would tell us where the windstone is only after if we defeated Captain Kid and get to the Captain's ghost in the crypts. He sent us off to the Marleybone Church. Of course, everyone always requires a favor...
Captain Kid the Goat, eh? Hehehe! We had to fight in this spider and web infested church, then in the rafters, boy did we fight. So many ghosts to banish and defeat. In the end, the Captain surrendered.
Running out of the church, we headed straight to Lytton who revealed where the windstone was.
Oh boy, we all groaned.. The sewers is an nasty place to be. Rats, webs, etc etc... "Rats?! Really, Cap'n?!" I blush, "Oh not you.. You're the best Rat I've ever known..." Ratbeard huffs.
As we crawled through the sewers, it led to a base that was well hidden. Ah, this isn't good.
After defeating the naughty puppy boss in his huge office filled with statues of himself, we got the Marleybone Windstone! WOOT! Guess the puppy isn't as tough as he thought he was!
Then off to Mooshu, where we were told that we had to defeat a Yak before being able to enter the Marleybone stormgate. The yak had information we needed. From the crypts in the church, the tip led us to this Mooshu tower! We had to climb up so many floors...
I laughed heartily at this yak.. He had sunglasses.. But he's INSIDE a building.. Why would he need one?
After getting the Marleybone Embassy's blessing in Hamamitsu Garden, we are finally on the way to Marleybone! Sailing there, we all whooped and Bonnie Anne just grinned with a smug expression on his face. Typical..
My Snapshots of Marleybone.
"Captain, stop taking pictures! Let's fight!" Bonnie Anne says.
El Toro wistfully sighs, "This place isn't as beautiful as my Cool Ranch..."
Ratbeard huffs, "Come on, Cap'n, lets go! I need a mug of yum. I'm thirsty!"
(Bottom left, that's Wizard101's Marleybone. No we can't enter there. But we can see it from afar.)
Then we finally docked at Isle of Dogs. We have arrived!! So, the first place we went to the tavern named "Admiral's Elbow" or something like that. We all know where you need a tip, Taverns are the best place to go to. Once we entered, there was already someone we knew! Zeke!

We laughed at his request, saying that it's fine and we'll help him as always! Zeke thanks us gratefully. The crew found a table while I went up to the bar to speak with the bartender, and order a round of yum, asking about Catbeard. As the bartender got our order ready, he silently shook his head at our request for information, but with a gleam in his eyes. We knew best to sit and wait, the bartender will spread the word and eventually we might find out more. So I walked back to our table and waited, drinking a round of yum and listening to Ratbeard's tall tales, a stranger silently beckoned to me from the shadows. So I silently followed him and walked behind the bar where there was a shady spot. He whispered a location of someone might know where Catbeard is and I slipped him a coin in thanks. Dragging Ratbeard with us who was screaming, "NOOOOOOOooo, I wasn't finished with that mug of yum!", we headed to the place we hoped to find Catbeard at.

As we introduced ourselves to the frog, we discovered that he was Catbeard's lawyer.. Oy vey. What did Catbeard do now?! But I notice that this frog is so jumpy that I wonder if he simply drank too much coffee or something else.. I stare at him and he gulps.. I make myself laugh, saying that I'm just admiring his outfit. His eyes grow confused and wary as he laughs and thanks me. I'm starting to wonder if he thinks I'm a spy, double agent, or something.. I don't have food on my face right?
When I simply glanced at my watch, he screamed and got spooked. Apparently, he doesn't like guns, prisons, or anything that gets him into trouble! He panted as he realized that I wasn't pulling out a gun or a knife or anything sharp. He stammered out an apology. I suddenly had a bad feeling that this was gonna be a long day.
Sighing, I explain our situation and how we needed his help. The lawyer stated that he would meet us at the prison, so we can have a little chat with Catbeard. So walking through this beautiful town, so many friendly faces and shady ones. I silently whispered to others to make sure their wallets aren't stolen and to secure them as best as they could. Once we arrived, this place gave me the spookies.. It's one place no pirates would boldly go!

Once we enter Catbeard's cell, we got the shock of our life. Catbeard looked... messy. After chatting with him, we realized that we gotta bust him out in order to get his piece of the map, great! He says he won't give us it otherwise. El Toro suddenly says, "Captain, we can do it! Especially with El Toro saving the day! Huzzah!" The lawyer suddenly piped up, "Oh there's an easier way.. I think.. You just need to earn an commision to be an Marleybone Admiral.. Yes.. That's the only way.. I think.. If you are one, you can free Catbeard and put him on your crew... Yes, yes that is it!"

Catbeard meowed pitifully as we had to leave him in his cell and walk over to the Marleybone Navy building. We met those guys who were in the charge of the Marleybone Navy.. They were busy at work figuring how to beat the Armada when I chimed in with my help and request to be an Marleybone Admiral. They take a good long look at me and say, if I want to be a Marleybone Admiral, I gotta fight the Armada for them. What else is new?! Ratbeard sighs, El Toro grins, Bonnie Anne is on her guard..
Off to the Armada's base in Marleybone - Beachhead! It's a scary fortified Armada base bent on breaking Marleybone under its very well oiled machine knee. Nope, we cannot allow this! If Marleybone falls, then so does Mooshu! Then the rest... Avery would shudder if he knew this was happening.
Looking up and down this place, we realized that we got a lot of work ahead for us! So many floors, dungeons, clockworks.. But we were determined to do it! We have faced worse before!
As Ratbeard pointed out the angels, I started to wonder, what is Kane up to?! Oh boy.. There were tons of them! We jumped into the battle to get rid of those soldiers. Boy, did we fight, fight, fight.. We took a break.. Then again we fought, we fought we fought.. Until we stumbled across this! What mystery is this?! Ratbeard was visibly nervous. But then anything not piratey makes him nervous...
Eh, Magic which isnt Magic? Okay.. Grace knows better than us. Still, magic that isnt magic?..
Grace Conrads' eyes widen in surprise.. "The Toymaker? Who is this?! What mechanical birds? I must take a look at them!" Bonnie Anne says, "Eh, we can do that LATER.." My, my, my! Mysteries wrapped up in mysteries.. So many questions.. I silently put it away on my "to do" list - Find out who is the Toymaker? Is he good, bad, what part of this story does he play?
As Bishop steps out of the shadows once the movie ends, "How nice to meet you, pirate. I have heard of you." I laugh, "Ah Bishop, how nice of you to drop in and act like you own the place.. Oh right, you do own the place.." Bishop laughs evilly. El Toro screams out, "CHARRRRGE!!"
We shout with cheers, raising our swords up, we have blew up Beachhead and beat Bishop! El Toro: "And again we have saved the day!".. Bonnie Anne: *rolls eyes* "But it isnt over .. yet!" Now for Rooke!
The Marleybone Navy guys grinned and shook our hands after we told them the great news about Beachhead. After having a quick conference, it was decided that we will go with Admiral Nelson to deal with Rooke! This was the next and final step. We got to stop him and his mad plans to conquer Marleybone! We sailed to his huge ship moored in a vortex. How clever. He has hidden himself here all of this time. We fought so many of his soldiers, battle after battle, then finally the final battle with Rooke. Our crew all took a deep sigh and glanced at each other, nodding at each other, with a silent message saying.. "We can do this!" And into the fray we flew, swords clashing, Rooke's maniacal laughter ringing..

Whew!!! I am now an Marleybone Admiral! Our crew again cheers! Off to bust Catbeard out of prison... I mean bring him to court... Catbeard stands there nervously as the Judge puts his face on his hand, his elbow propping him up. The Judge is obviously bored.. Can't blame him. Catbeard can't stand still next to the spooked lawyer.. I shake my head, not out of pity, but with the thought that he deserved this. We stood there and listened..
As they recall Catbeard's offenses, I stare at Catbeard with surprise in my eyes, "Catbeard?! REALLY?!" Catbeard just looks at me out of the corner of his eyes, shamed and silently whispers, "Well, it was fun!" I shook my head and sighed. Yep a LONG day..
Once asked, I stood up and stated that I am an Marleybone Admiral and can vouch for Catbeard. I also state that I will bring him onto my crew and will make sure he's on the straight and the narrow. My crew cheers behind me. The Judge bangs his gavel, "QUIET, QUIET!" The Judge looks at me for a few seconds, then nods.. "Okay, I will release Catbeard into your obviously very capable hands." Catbeard tears up, "Thank god! I am finally FREE! I can finally take a shower!"
Then on my way out, a soldier whispered to me.. "Meowiarty is here. Cell #11."
WHAT?! So I took a little side trip to his cell.. and there he was...
He wouldn't answer my questions why he was there, he just smirked with that evil gleam in his eyes. Ah forget him, I'll eventually find out when the time is right. As always, mysteries wrapped up in mysteries.. Well, now, off to Aquila! My work here in Marleybone is done! Off to see Gortez in Monsquista. I mean KING Gortez...