So apparently Greengrass Studios helps Wizard101 create those super duper amazing TV commercials. Remember them? They're in those beautiful arenas with 3d characters and texture?
Let's look at their bio: "Here at Green Grass, we’re serious about games. From character design & development to story telling cinematics, our team loves every aspect of game production. That is why we jumped at the opportunity to demonstrate our character design, animation (utilizing a local mocap studio), and vfx abilities for Wizard 101. Enjoy!"
So.. Greengrass Studios is the genius who created all of that? They deserve ultimate props for their beautiful and amazing work. I cannot wait to see what else they create! Let's take a look at Merle Ambrose dueling in the same arena as others did in the Wizard101 Commercials. Enjoy!
Do you think this is an upcoming new Wizard101 Spell like Johnny from thinks?? He says if so, it is obviously a fire spell! Katherine Light from exclaims that "he (Merle Ambrose) sounds evil!" Do you think that maybe Merle has an evil twin, an doppelganger or himself has turned evil? Is it possible? But Nathan Ashthistle at says that "maybe he had a 'humongo' frog in his throat..." Ian Stormstaff from says, "oh trust me I don't want him to be bad..."
Is this just a simple trailer? Or more sinister than that? We shall find out eventually..
"The Magic (truth) Is Out There!" Cheesy I know. :P
Credit to Sheldon Cooper -
Please visit his blog above.
He's a super lovely nice person who let me know about this amazing video.
Please visit his blog above.
He's a super lovely nice person who let me know about this amazing video.