As everyone knows, we all are very interested in concept art, especially unreleased pictures. So I asked One Eyed Jack if I could kindly have a couple that were not released yet. And in response, he sent me a few concept art pictures. Thank you One Eyed Jack! I hope that this trend continues, so I can show you all the wonderful, special work that the amazing Pirate101 team have created.
I will release the other one next week. But for this week, here's the Scylla.
(Click On The Photo To Enlarge It)
Concept Art means a painting of an area or monster or whatever is needed to create the area before even thinking about setting it up in-game. It's to help the designers find the right look for the game.
Now you notice that the Scylla is breaking out of some huge coral, rock, or some thing. It does have four heads, but has more limbs to the main body. So is the Scylla a type of monster that likes to hide and then break out to attack? Notice it's wide mouth in the middle chomping at the bit to gobble you up.
But in-game, the look is so different. The scylla has no other limbs, just the four heads and definitely no giant mouth looking to grab you aggressively. Instead, the mouth is more concealed and quieter. The heads are the major players here. Also it is nestled in some green vine plant thing. Not some weird white rock coral or whatever it is. It's also not camped in such an open area in the concept art. It's above a rolling lightning sea as well that doesn't exist in-game. Maybe it's just a ship power. Who knows?
Come to think of it.. a rolling lightning sea would be awesome to sail across. :O Also, I know that you guys also noticed the Kraken on the left side of my in-game photo. What if we had to fight him later on like we did the Scylla? He does look like he's inside of a wormhole.. or a stormgate! I bet that he's guarding a very special stormgate we might need to access to another area in the future.. Interesting thought, eh?