Look at that cute little bunny behind them.
Pirate101's 1st Livestream Reveals New Stuff!
They set up this livestream to celebrate Pirate101's 2nd Birthday as well to reveal a bunch of new cool masks and a pet! When they were done with that, they went into battle with Moo Manchu and defeated him. While battling him, they did a bunch of Q&A's from people on Twitter.
Here's the new masks and pet they revealed!
The Black Tiger Pet - Will be sold in Crown Shop for 2,000 Crowns
The Horse Mask
Those masks can be dyed, even the eyes can be dyed as well.
The Unicorn Mask
The Engineer's Visor. Star Trek fans like me will love this!!
The Vorpal Bunny Mask
The Jack O Lantern Mask
New "Sugar Skull" or "Ghoul" Mask
Not only that, it seems like Mustang Sally has a new promotion!
While listening to the whole wonderful conversation, pirates had gathered in Avery's Court to listen together and celebrate.
The Community Managers said that the Halloween Ship is coming back. Not only that, apparently there's a news site we have to sign up for and get an free cool item that we never have seen before. They said that information will come soon, so stay tuned!
You can view the whole recorded livestream at: http://www.twitch.tv/kingsisleentertainment/b/578171004
You can view the whole recorded livestream at: http://www.twitch.tv/kingsisleentertainment/b/578171004