Upon reviewing an old blog entry that I made about Undiscovered Pets in September 2011. I thought that I should make an update on it and show you what has been discovered now and what still has NOT been discovered as of September 2015, 4 years later.
The following pets were not around in 2011 when this post was originally made, but thus far has been discovered!
In this video from 2010, a Fire Elf is hopping around next to a regular Scarab pet at 20 seconds!
And now the balance Scarab and Fire Elf is NOW DISCOVERED.
In 2011, we noticed the Armored Skeleton pet? It's right next to the Fire Beetle,
Interesting, isn't it? And now BOTH of them exists!
I said in 2011: "Notice the Ice Beetle in the red circle at 21 seconds?"
I said in 2011: "Storm Bird was given to a player who lost items or for some glitch.
For some reason, Wizard101 decided to take it back,
so whoever had it don't have it anymore.
However, Wizard101 called it a "Crafted" Pet
which leads me to think that it's a Hybrid.
I don't think it hurts to try to make a Storm Bird since
there is a Fire Bird and a Ice Bird."
I said in 2011: "There's NO pictures of this pet. Just rumors that it was seen in Test.
HOWEVER.. this pet HAS to exist in my opinion because there is..
Death Bat, Life Bat, Fire Bat, Storm Bat, Blood Bat/Fang Bat (both are Myth)
So the only Bat that is missing is Ice and Balance.
Makes you think, doesn't it?"
My Favorite Undiscovered Pet So Far, the Steel Golem!
Some people say that the Steel Golem pet is a KingsIsle staff pet. I totally disagree. I do not believe that KI would be so callous to post a picture of an awesome pet knowing that children CANNOT get it. So therefore, it does exist, but is simply undiscovered. It is also listed on the Age Conversion List which proves my point that it HAS to be in-game or just not released yet.
As for a few days ago, Gary who works at KingsIsle has stated that this pet is planned to be used for a future game card. When, we do not know. I hope it is soon since this pet has been missing for FOUR years.
The Picture of Promo Pets
July 18th, 2009
As of Today, all pets in the promo pet picture has been discovered except for the Ghost. Some people say they think the Ghost is actually the Yellow Ghost which already exists in game. But others think it's a WHITE ghost. What ya think?
Okay, we all know about Fire Beetle now. But at the time this video was released, the Fire Beetle did not exist. Not until I personally discovered the combination to create one. But people have always suspected that the Gobbler in this picture is NOT the regular Red Gobbler, but an Orange one. If it's a different gobbler, I can imagine it to be a Fire Gobbler or Balance Gobbler? The RED Gobbler pet pretty much says it's a RED gobbler. Why say RED unless there are other colors that exists? Could there be an Orange Gobbler? What about other schools? Imagine a Death Gobbler, all black? The possibilities are endless.
A few years ago, Lydia Greyrose made a post
listing all of the pets whose age would be converted once they went to live.
So this list gives great clues on which pets are still missing.
No Color Change means it has always existed in-game and is already obtainable.
All names marked in RED are not found yet as of September 2013.
All names marked in BLUE were not found in September 2011, but is now found as of September 2013.
All names marked in GREEN were not found in September 2013, but is now found as of September 2015.
All names marked in GREEN were not found in September 2013, but is now found as of September 2015.
Aqua Dragon TEEN
Arctic Cat ADULT
Ash Spider BABY
Azure Dragon TEEN
Battle Pig TEEN
Black Cat TEEN
Black Spider TEEN
Bloodbat BABY
Blue Cyclops BABY
Blue Dragon TEEN
Blue Ghost BABY
Bolt Colossus TEEN
Brass Golem BABY
Brave Piggle TEEN
Brown Spider BABY
Brute Piggle ADULT
Buddy Dragon BABY
Burnzilla TEEN
Cheery Piggle TEEN
Chistmas Elf TEEN
Clockwork Golem TEEN
Cloud Demon TEEN
Crimsonzilla ADULT
Cupig TEEN
Cyclops TEEN
Damp Demon TEEN
Danger Hound TEEN
Dark Sprite BABY
Dark Sprite (with card) TEEN
Death Scarab TEEN *Cartoon Network Promo Pet*
Defender Pig ADULT
Dire Ghoul TEEN
Diseased Wildclaw TEEN
Dragon BABY
Dream Ghoul ADULT
Earth Walker TEEN
Evil Snowman BABY
Fang Bat TEEN
Fine Wood Golem TEEN
Fire Elf TEEN
Fire Salamander BABY
Firecat BABY
Firewing BABY
Firezilla TEEN
Flamezilla ADULT
Fog Unicorn TEEN
Friendly Dragon TEEN
Frost Cat TEEN
Frostman TEEN
Frozen Cat ADULT
Fun Dragon TEEN
Gamer Piggle TEEN
Ghoul BABY *Cartoon Network Promo Pet*
Glacier Cat ADULT
Goat Monk BABY
Greater Imp TEEN
Green Ghost TEEN
Grumpy Snowman TEEN
Guardian Dragon ADULT
Happy Piggle TEEN
Heckhound BABY
Helephant TEEN
Helpful Wildclaw TEEN
Hero Pig TEEN
Hotzilla TEEN
Hydra TEEN
Ice Cat BABY
Ice Colossus TEEN
Ice Elf TEEN
Indigo Dragon TEEN
Inferno Cat TEEN
Inferno Salamander TEEN
Jade Helephant TEEN
Jolly Piggle TEEN
Jovial Piggle TEEN
Krokomummy TEEN
Krokotillian TEEN
Lava Spider TEEN
Leprechaun TEEN
Lightning Bat BABY
Lucky Leprechaun TEEN
Magical Dragon ADULT
Magma Colossus TEEN
Magma Spider ADULT
Mander BABY
Minotaur TEEN
Myth Ghoul BABY
Nice Dragon TEEN
Nimble Piggle TEEN
Ninja Pig BABY
Orthrus TEEN
Piggle BABY
Pioneer Dragon TEEN
Pixie Queen (with card) TEEN
Pixie Queen BABY
Polar Cat TEEN
Power Dragon TEEN
Power Piggle ADULT
Quick Piggle TEEN
Rain Colossus TEEN
Rain Demon TEEN
Rat Magician BABY
Red Ghost TEEN *Recently found as a Hybrid - Sept '11*
Royal Dragon TEEN
Satyr TEEN
Savage Wildclaw TEEN
Scarab TEEN
Scout Pig ADULT
Shardtail Dragon TEEN
Shock Colossus TEEN
Shock Demon TEEN
Smarty Piggle TEEN
Sneaky Piggle TEEN
Snow Serpent BABY
Spider Golem TEEN
Spiritual Dragon TEEN
Sporty Dragon TEEN
Sprite BABY
Steel Golem TEEN
Storm Beetle TEEN
Storm Colossus TEEN
Storm Demon TEEN
Storm Hound TEEN
Storm Salamander TEEN
Stormzilla TEEN
Stray Piggle BABY
Sturdy Dragon ADULT
Sturdy Wildclaw TEEN
Summer Dragon BABY
Sun Bird TEEN
Supportive Wildclaw TEEN
Swift Piggle TEEN
Talented Piggle TEEN
Thunder Colossus TEEN
Tough Troll BABY
Toy Dragon TEEN
Treant TEEN
Tricky Dragon TEEN
Tricky Wildclaw TEEN
Troll TEEN
Unicorn BABY
Valentine Pig TEEN
War Pig TEEN
Wood Golem BABY
Wraith TEEN
Yellow Ghost BABY
Zebra Piggle TEEN
Here is the method I have used that I was able to get a Fire Beetle from.
When mixing for a brand new pet,
you MUST use a pet that LOOKS like the pet
and a pet that could force its school upon the other.
You cannot get a Ghost from Helephant and a Snake.
That doesn't make sense.
If you need a Storm Bird..
It makes more sense to use a Ice or Fire Bird for looks
then a Storm pet for its school.
PRESTO, a Storm Bird!
If you don't have a clue what school the new pet could be,
try using a pet that might has something the other needs.
For Ghost-
Use any colored Ghost with a Pale Maiden or Ghost Hound..
Maybe the Pale Maiden and Ghost Hound could make it transparent white?
Or use an Ice School since it has White pets?
You could force the colored Ghost to be transparent, white or both this way.
I hope this helped! This is how I discovered the Fire Beetle.
and a pet that could force its school upon the other.
You cannot get a Ghost from Helephant and a Snake.
That doesn't make sense.
If you need a Storm Bird..
It makes more sense to use a Ice or Fire Bird for looks
then a Storm pet for its school.
PRESTO, a Storm Bird!
If you don't have a clue what school the new pet could be,
try using a pet that might has something the other needs.
For Ghost-
Use any colored Ghost with a Pale Maiden or Ghost Hound..
Maybe the Pale Maiden and Ghost Hound could make it transparent white?
Or use an Ice School since it has White pets?
You could force the colored Ghost to be transparent, white or both this way.
I hope this helped! This is how I discovered the Fire Beetle.
Wizard101's Hybrid Hints
Wizard101 has been releasing hints on Hybrids in-game. They said there's over 100 undiscovered hybrid combinations. Here's their three confirmed combinations they have stated on KI Live.Red Gobbler x Red Gobbler = Pet Rock
Minotaur x Life Treant = Life Minotaur
Black Spider x Clockwork Golem = Spider Golem
Then in their Wizard101 Newsletter, they released six combo hints. I have added the confirmed hybrid results if it is known leaving two mysteries as a mystery still in what they produce.
As said in the Wizard101 Newsletter:
"For those studious Wizards of the Hatchery, below are a few more hints for combinations that may produce unexpected results. Remember, hybrids can be rare so if you don’t get it the first time, don’t give up. Good luck, Wizards and happy hatching!"
Frostman x Seraph = Yuletide Spirit
Black Cat x Christmas Elf = Lucky Leprechaun
Fire Elf x Grumpy Snowman = ?
Pale Maiden x Dragon = ?
Krok x Brown Spider = Krokomummy
Tough Troll + Brown Spider = Death Troll
I gotta say though that I'm disappointed with the hints so far. They simply produce other pets that ALREADY exists. I was hoping for brand new pets that does NOT exist.
For Pets We Have Seen In Videos and/or Pictures
(white) Ghost (Use any colored Ghost with Pale Maiden? or Ghost Hound? or Ice pet?)
Fire Elf (Use a Yellow Fire Elf with a Fire? pet - We are talking about a RED Fire Elf, not Yellow) *DISCOVERED
Armored Skeleton (Use a Skeletal Warrior with a Death?? pet) *DISCOVERED
Gobbler (orange/yellow)??? (Red Gobbler with a Fire or Balance pet?)
(balance) Scarab (Life Scarab with a Balance pet) *DISCOVERED
(myth) Cyclops (Blue Cyclops with a Myth pet) *DISCOVERED
Ice Beetle (Storm Beetle with a Ice pet) *DISCOVERED
Ice Bat (Any Bat with a Ice Pet) *DISCOVERED
Fine Wood Golem (Wood Golem with Balance?? pet) *DISCOVERED
Storm Bird (Fire or Ice Bird with a Storm pet) *DISCOVERED
Steel Golem (Clockwork Golem with Spider Golem? or Fire/Storm pet) *NOT IN GAME, SAVED FOR GAME CARD USE SOMEDAY
Steel Golem (Clockwork Golem with Spider Golem? or Fire/Storm pet) *NOT IN GAME, SAVED FOR GAME CARD USE SOMEDAY
For Other General Pets
Have you always wondered if some pets you have could come in another school version?
Bats - We have Fire, Myth, Storm, Ice, Death, Life that there's no Balance, which should be added to the list.
Crows - There's Ice, Fire, Storm, Death (Dark Crow). So that makes me think that there should be Myth, Balance, Life birds.
Ghosts - Since there's now blue, yellow, red and green ghosts.. I'm starting to wonder if there's orange and purple in addition to the white one that was a promo pet. I am still trying to think what other pets we should keep an eye on.
Treants - There's Life, Death, Myth, Fire. But what about Storm, Ice, Balance?
Death Hounds - There is a Death Hound, Ice Hound, Fire Hound - all with ONE head.. I do not know if the Orthrus mixes counts as Hounds.. But what about Balance, Myth, Storm, and Life?
Beetles - We have Fire, Ice, Storm.. I'm wondering if there's even Myth, Death, Life Beetles? Remember, Beetles have spiky shells. Scarabs have smooth shells
Scarabs - We have Life, Death, Balance, but no Myth, Fire, Storm, Ice. Gosh the list goes on and on!
But, what pets do you want to see now? Do you think there SHOULD be a complete "school" versions of all pets listed above? Do you want more secret hybrids that you only can get through hatching? Let us know by leaving us a comment.
Have you always wondered if some pets you have could come in another school version?
Bats - We have Fire, Myth, Storm, Ice, Death, Life that there's no Balance, which should be added to the list.
Crows - There's Ice, Fire, Storm, Death (Dark Crow). So that makes me think that there should be Myth, Balance, Life birds.
Ghosts - Since there's now blue, yellow, red and green ghosts.. I'm starting to wonder if there's orange and purple in addition to the white one that was a promo pet. I am still trying to think what other pets we should keep an eye on.
Treants - There's Life, Death, Myth, Fire. But what about Storm, Ice, Balance?
Death Hounds - There is a Death Hound, Ice Hound, Fire Hound - all with ONE head.. I do not know if the Orthrus mixes counts as Hounds.. But what about Balance, Myth, Storm, and Life?
Beetles - We have Fire, Ice, Storm.. I'm wondering if there's even Myth, Death, Life Beetles? Remember, Beetles have spiky shells. Scarabs have smooth shells
Scarabs - We have Life, Death, Balance, but no Myth, Fire, Storm, Ice. Gosh the list goes on and on!
But, what pets do you want to see now? Do you think there SHOULD be a complete "school" versions of all pets listed above? Do you want more secret hybrids that you only can get through hatching? Let us know by leaving us a comment.