Brand new Jewel Crafter's Bundle from GameStop that only costs $29 but comes with pretty nifty sparkling things! Can you say bling, bling?!
The biggest item in this bundle is the Bountiful Mine which gives you a daily reward. It could be gold, reagents, maybe jewels!
The Jeweler's Mount
The Colors You Can Dye Your Mount
It cost me around 5k gold to dye for each base and trim color. So altogether, it would cost me 10k gold.
The Jeweler's Pet
The Colors You Can Dye The Pet
Some colors come two tone, some one. The average cost for dying the pet is around 2300 gold.
The Animation of the Pet While Idle
The Jeweler's Gear
The Jeweler's Weapons
The bundle comes with eight weapons. One with stats, the other seven with no stats. Yes, you get all of them. You do not have to pick one. You can redeem ALL of them, then decide which one to use to stitch.
Non Stats Hammers - For Stitching Purposes Only
As always, you also get either 5k crowns or a prepaid 1 month membership to Pirate101 or Wizard101. But they also added a bonus 100 crowns for stitching! Isn't that nice of them?!
Here's an official video from Wizard101 on the Jewel Crafter's bundle!
Official Wizard101 Page On The Jewel Crafter's Bundle:
Here's an official video from Wizard101 on the Jewel Crafter's bundle!
Official Wizard101 Page On The Jewel Crafter's Bundle: