Today I got something amazing in the mail. My very first Smuggler's Bounty Box that's Star Wars themed! Come on, this is pretty EPICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC! You can click on every picture for a larger version of the picture.
When I first looked at it, I got shivers up my spine and I was filled with excitement. Star Wars! WOOT! With excited fingers, while Yoda was supervising nearby, I carefully opened it and the first things I see is the badge patch and the pin. If you want to show off your evil side, they are the perfect objects to use on your clothes or bags to show everyone to watch out for you. The detail was pretty nifty! I loved the language on them that I cannot read. But it made it more realistic. So much evilness and I'm not even done with this box.
Once I opened it up to see the inside, the first thing I saw was the Star Wars lanyard. Pretty cool! I don't use lanyards, but still if I went to a Star Wars event and I already had a nifty VIP Star Wars ticket, I'd attach it to that lanyard or something. I don't know. But the t-shirt was pretty cool! It even had a Pop! Tees on its sleeve to show off that yea this is pretty authetic. But the best was the last, but NEVER NEVER the least! The Funko Pops!
As you can see there's three versions and I got the best two out of three. I loved Captain Phasma who is in chrome since it was so shiny and his head bobbled a lot more easily than the other one. I think the other one is way too serious, I mean come on, move your head more. Boy, that Fighter Pilot must really take its job seriously. At least Phasma knows how to have fun.
So far, I'm pretty pleased with my purchase. The one thing I love about those Smuggler's Bounty is it's all about Star Wars. I mean who can't get enough of Star Wars?! You get great doses of Star Wars fun in each box for a great price. I am already looking forward to the next box which will be all about the Resistance! The Resistance Box closes in January which is my birthday month. SWEEEEEEEEEEEET! Btw, it's Jan 5th. Yes, the FIFTH. Mark that date please. Don't forget to wish me happy birthday on that day or I will use the force on you. Nah, just kidding lol.
So for those who are interested in having their own Smuggler's Bounty box. There are two subscription plans - Monthly or Yearly. I chose Monthly because hey I'm poor. Maybe for Christmas, I'll spring for the Yearly membership. We shall see. That free gift is mighty tempting.
Every two months, you will receive a box full of exclusive Funko items that's worth $50! That's pretty good for $25 or really $35 if you include tax and shipping. You save $15! For example, this first box cost me $25 plus $10 for tax and shipping. So it is really $35 in total. But remember, the box is actually valued at $50. If you want to join and get your own box, you can join at Smuggler's Bounty's website.
In January, expect me to make another blog post on the Resistance Box. See you around in the galaxy!