So there's brand new pets dropped in Polaris. Yep. This is still a work in progress, so bear with me. Hahaha, that was not an intended pun. But hey, it's cool. Hahaha, again, not intended as a pun.
New Polaris Dropped Pets
Mountain Yeti, Ice, Gives an Iceblade Card
Dropped By Clooso, Sea Chicken
Ygor's Grimoire, Death, Gives a Poison Card
Dropped by Ygor
Detolli's Dragon, Fire, Gives a Meteor Strike Card
Dropped By Detolli The Destroyer
Vissarovich's Icehound, Ice, Gives an Availing Hands Card
Dropped By Warden Vissarovich
Beastmaster's Eagle, Balance, Gives a Bladestorm Card
Dropped by Ludus The Beast Master
Intrepid Seal Pup, Fire, Gives a Firespear Card at Baby. Then Fire Prism at Adult or Ancient
Dropped By Inspector Colousseau, Lord Gruff, Rasputin, Captain Loranzo of Sea Chicken
Baby Yaga's Egg, Myth, Gives a Blinding Light Card
Dropped by Baba Yaga
Ivanenko's Tiger, Storm, Gives an Insane Bolt Card
Dropped by Ivanvenko
Baby Chieftain's Owl, Balance, Gives an Guidance Card
Dropped by the roaming boss in Frozen River of Tears
Polaris Pets For Gold
Timberland Yeti, Life, Gives a Lifeblade Card
Bought For Gold
Already Exists As A Hybrid, But New As First Generation
This pet is only found as a Hybrid in live. But apparently now it's available as a First Generation pet. How neat!
Glacier Dragon, Ice, Gives a Bone Dragon Card
Dropped By Captain Lorenzo, Sea Chicken
Other Pets That Already Exists, But Drops In Polaris
Ice Bird, Ice, Gives an Icebird Card
Dropped By Imperial Justice Payne
Snowball, Ice, Gives a Snowball Strike Card
Dropped By Inspector Brigadiers, Inspector Generals, Sea Lions (Mob), Sea Chicken Battle
Nodori Winged Ram, Ice, Gives an Ice Prism Card
Dropped by Ivan, Tundarian Enforcer
Polar Bear Cub, Ice, Gives a Woolly Mammoth Card
Dropped By Sea Lions (Mob)
Arctic Ninja Pig, Ice, Gives No Card
Dropped By Sea Lions (Mob)
White Winter Owl, Ice (Crown Shop Pet)
Dropped By Inspector Generals
Polterpooch, Death, Gives a triple death shield card
Dropped from the new Skeleton Key boss in Sunken City
New Skeleton Key Pet
Dropped from the new Skeleton Key boss in Sunken City
New Polaris Hybrids
Wildwood Yeti, Death, Gives a Deathblade Card
Hybrid between Mountain Yeti and Timberland Yeti
Playful Seal Pup, Storm, Gives a Stormspear Card (Then Storm Convert at Anicent)
Hybrid between Cunning Seal and Interpid Seal
Cunning Seal, Myth, Gives a Mythblade card
Sells for 10k Crowns in Crown Shop
New Pets in Crown Shop
Cunning Seal, Myth, Gives a Mythblade card
Sells for 10k Crowns in Crown Shop
I Need Your Help!
But if you can either allow me to take pictures of your pet or you can give your own for use below, let me know and I will credit you. Also if you know of more drop locations for the following pets, please let me know as well, so I can add them. You can either tweet me or leave a comment below. Thanks in advance!