Thursday, March 9, 2017

Throwback Thursday!

Today is Throwback Thursday!

For today, Wizard101 has added the Mega Bundle items to the Crown Shop! You now can buy individual separate items from the bundle. Be warned though, they will be in the Crown Shop for today only!

Price of the items available in the Crown Shop -

The Sultan's Palace House (does not include an Additional Castle Elixir potion)  - 12500 Crowns
The Magic Carpet Mount (Perm) - 10000 Crowns
The Snake in the Basket Pet - 9000 Crowns
The Charmer's Magical Flute Wand (will instantly match your level) - 5000 Crowns

The Sultan's Attire Gear-
Level 0+ - 5000 Crowns
Level 10+ - 5500 Crowns
Level 20+ - 6000 Crowns
Level 30+ - 6500 Crowns
Level 40+ - 7000 Crowns
Level 50+ - 7500 Crowns
Level 60+ - 8000 Crowns
Level 70+ - 8500 Crowns
Level 80+ - 9000 Crowns
Level 90+ - 9500 Crowns
Level 100+ - 10000 Crowns

My Thoughts -

I think a lot of those items' prices should be reduced. Sultan's Palace doesn't even include a potion. If you needed to buy a potion, it would cost you 3,500 Crowns. So if you bought a palace and a potion, that would cost you 16,000 Crowns. That's a lot of Crowns. But at least it does come with a PvP ring and a genie that gives random surprises.

The Magic Carpet mount's price should be reduced as well. 5,000 Crowns should do it. Same goes for the Charmer Snake pet. Think about it people, you can hatch for a copy of the Charmer Snake pet. No need to spend 9,000 Crowns. Heck, if you hatch it with a great charmer snake pet, you could even have a better pet than the original! Wizard101 is missing out on this opportunity for people to spend crowns on a pet. Pets in my opinion should be priced at 5k or under because come on, we have a pet hatchery for a reason! If you price them way too high, nobody will want to buy the pet because again, we have a pet hatchery for a reason!

The gears' prices I would think is reasonable. You do have many options after all. You can buy the basic gear and stitch it over for looks. 
