Thursday, November 8, 2018

Empyrea Part 2 Dream Belloq Puzzle Guide

Empyrea Part 2 - Dream Belloq Puzzle Guide

Wizards! Belloq makes another appearance in Empyrea Part 2, and this time, he has a puzzle that we'll need to complete in order to advance.

"The way is blocked, my friend. To move forward, remember the long path that brought you here.  Walk it again and you will face your final test!"

12 items will need to be activated in the correct order.
1. Wizard City Cauldron
2. Krokotopia Obelisk
3. Marleybone Mailbox
4. Mooshu Tablet
5. Dragonspyre Statue
6. Celestia Conflict Perceptor
7. Zafaria Obelisk
8. Avalon Lantern
9. Azteca Lamp
10. Khrysalis Mana Globe
11. Polaris Alarm
12. Mirage Treasure Chest

Once you're done, all items will be lit and activated.
"You have done it, bravo! Now press on, Wizard - quickly!"

If you make a mistake along the way, you'll be able to start over again.

Now get ready to battle Belloq! Good luck, Wizards!
