New Yule Logger Winter Pack!
Release Date: December 10, 2019
Cost: 299 Crowns
Have a look to see what this pack drops!
Toboggan 4 Person Permanent Mount (super fun!)
3 Sets of Gear is available from this pack:
Alpine Hunter Gear (Energy Gear)
Tundra Hunter Gear
Woodland Hunger Gear
Woodland Hunger Gear
Note that the Alpine Hunter Energy gear is the equivalent to the Elven Gear in terms of Energy points. Energy has not increased at all. Click here to see the Elven Gear
The new Festive Holiday Moose housing item!
More Housing Items
Big Holiday Tree
Blue Holiday Ornament
Dancing Reindeer Rug
Festive Candle
Festive Glass
Festive Ham
Festive Holiday Moose
Festive Sundae
Festive Yuletree
Fresh Powder Floor
Galloping Reindeer Rug
Gingerbread Wall Icing Wallpaper
Gravy Boat
Green Holiday Ornament
Holiday Cranberry Sauce
Holiday Striped Wallpaper
Holiday Wreath
Large Candle Holder
Large Fir Tree
Large Snowflake
Large Snowy Evergreen
Medium Fir Tree
Night Snow Wallpaper
Polka Dot Wrapped Long Gift
Red Holiday Ornament
Ribbon Candy
Roasted Veggies
Skating Rink
Small Fir Tree
Small Snowflake
Small Snowy Evergreen
Small Snowy Maple Tree
Small Snowy Pine
Snow Basin
Snow Pile
Snowbound Yuletide Décor Wallpaper
Snowflake Rug
Snowflake Wrapped Gift
Snowman Wrapped Gift
Snowy Pine
Sparkle Globe
Spiral Wrapped Gift
Star Wrapped Gift
Tallow Candles
Tree Wrapped Gift
Winter Bed
Winterblue Wallpaper
Yellow Holiday Ornament
Yule Lights (Wallpaper)
Yuletide Candy Canes
Yuletide Peppermints
Alpine Hunter Tuke
Santa Hat
The Frosted Tips
The Snow Crown
The Winter Antlers
Tunda Hunter Tuke
Woodland Hunter Tuke
Alpine Hunter Flannel
Santa Robe
Tundra Hunter Flannel
Woodland Hunter Flannel
Alpine Hunter Boots
Santa Boots
Tundra Hunter Boots
Woodland Hunter Boots
Alpine Hunter Axe
Candle Wand
Candy Wand
Gingerbread Wand
Mint Staff
Nutcracker Wand
Ornamental Paper Staff
Star Staff
Sweet Staff
Woodland Hunter Axe
Assaulted Caramels
Athame Pop
Bedrock Bonbons
Candy Bar
Candy-Caned Yams
Cheese Cake
Chili Peppermint
Chocolate Comet
Chocolate Crickets
Cry Babies
Crystalweb Candy
Egg Nog
Gingerbread House
Gingerbread Wizard
Glowing Rock Candy
Glowing Taffy
Gummy Firecat
Gummy Humongofrog
Gummy Wyrms
Hickory Chicory
Jar of Jellybeans
Mince Pie
Ninja Figgy Pudding
Peanutbutter Cup
Rock Candy
Senior Mint
Simple Sugar Pop
Snow Apple Cider
Sourpuss Stovies
Star Lollipop
Tuti-Fruiti Cake
Black Coal
Frost Flower
Treasure Cards
Evil Snowman
Jolted Snowman
Magma Man
Reindeer Knight
Evil Snowman
Feisty Gingerbreadman
Salty Gingerbreadman (Credit and thanks to KeenaNightHuntr!)
Spicy Gingerbreadman
Reindeer Knight

Housing items are listed below, but first, lets take a look at some that are new to the spiral!
The new Festive Holiday Moose housing item!
More Housing ItemsBig Holiday Tree
Blue Holiday Ornament
Dancing Reindeer Rug
Festive Candle
Festive Glass
Festive Ham
Festive Holiday Moose
Festive Sundae
Festive Yuletree
Fresh Powder Floor
Galloping Reindeer Rug
Gingerbread Wall Icing Wallpaper
Gravy Boat
Green Holiday Ornament
Holiday Cranberry Sauce
Holiday Striped Wallpaper
Holiday Wreath
Large Candle Holder
Large Fir Tree
Large Snowflake
Large Snowy Evergreen
Medium Fir Tree
Night Snow Wallpaper
Polka Dot Wrapped Long Gift
Red Holiday Ornament
Ribbon Candy
Roasted Veggies
Skating Rink
Small Fir Tree
Small Snowflake
Small Snowy Evergreen
Small Snowy Maple Tree
Small Snowy Pine
Snow Basin
Snow Pile
Snowbound Yuletide Décor Wallpaper
Snowflake Rug
Snowflake Wrapped Gift
Snowman Wrapped Gift
Snowy Pine
Sparkle Globe
Spiral Wrapped Gift
Star Wrapped Gift
Tallow Candles
Tree Wrapped Gift
Winter Bed
Winterblue Wallpaper
Yellow Holiday Ornament
Yule Lights (Wallpaper)
Yuletide Candy Canes
Yuletide Peppermints
Alpine Hunter Tuke
Santa Hat
The Frosted Tips
The Snow Crown
The Winter Antlers
Tunda Hunter Tuke
Woodland Hunter Tuke
Alpine Hunter Flannel
Santa Robe
Tundra Hunter Flannel
Woodland Hunter Flannel
Alpine Hunter Boots
Santa Boots
Tundra Hunter Boots
Woodland Hunter Boots
Alpine Hunter Axe
Candle Wand
Candy Wand
Gingerbread Wand
Mint Staff
Nutcracker Wand
Ornamental Paper Staff
Star Staff
Sweet Staff
Woodland Hunter Axe
Assaulted Caramels
Athame Pop
Bedrock Bonbons
Candy Bar
Candy-Caned Yams
Cheese Cake
Chili Peppermint
Chocolate Comet
Chocolate Crickets
Cry Babies
Crystalweb Candy
Egg Nog
Gingerbread House
Gingerbread Wizard
Glowing Rock Candy
Glowing Taffy
Gummy Firecat
Gummy Humongofrog
Gummy Wyrms
Hickory Chicory
Jar of Jellybeans
Mince Pie
Ninja Figgy Pudding
Peanutbutter Cup
Rock Candy
Senior Mint
Simple Sugar Pop
Snow Apple Cider
Sourpuss Stovies
Star Lollipop
Tuti-Fruiti Cake
Black Coal
Frost Flower
Treasure Cards
Evil Snowman
Jolted Snowman
Magma Man
Reindeer Knight
Evil Snowman
Feisty Gingerbreadman
Salty Gingerbreadman (Credit and thanks to KeenaNightHuntr!)
Spicy Gingerbreadman
Reindeer Knight