Wizard101 Stars of the Spiral Pet Giveaway!
We're celebrating all of the new pet features added in the recent game update!

Update May 1, 2020
Entries now closed!
Codes have been sent out to all entries that correctly entered this giveaway! Congrats to all and thanks for participating! Keep an eye out for more events from us!We are giving away 100 codes for the adorable pet Giraffe!
For a chance to win a code, email a snazzy pic of your wizard with your pet to us at officialstarsofthespiral@yahoo.com and enter "SOTS Pet Giveaway" in the subject line.
The first 100 entries received will be emailed a code.
One entry per person please.
One entry per person please.
Huge thanks to Wizard101 and CM Mathew Anderson for providing us with these codes to give to you!
Good luck everyone!