Monday, April 20, 2020

Guide to all April Fools Day Mounts 2013-2020

Guide to all April Fools Day Mounts
2013 - 2020

Since 2013, Wizard101 has given us some fun April Fools Mounts. Take a look at all of them below!

2020 Windbreaker Mount (Permanent)
+40% 2,500 Crowns

2019 Maximum Horsepower Mount (Permanent)
+40% 3,570 Crowns

2018 Ball and Chain Mount (Permanent)
-60% 1,750 Crowns

2017 Coolest Mount Ever Mount (Permanent)
+40% 3,750 Crowns

2016 Rubber Ducky Mount (Permanent)
+40% 3,750 Crowns

2015 Wonky Donkey Mount (Permanent)
+40% 4,000 Crowns

2014 Mighty Steed Mount (Permanent)
+40% 3,750 Crowns

2013 Slowpoke Sloth Mount (Permanent)
-40% 1,750 Crowns

 Have fun collecting them all!
