Posted by Destiny Rain
The Annual Fansite Festival Community Event is coming up on June 6th & 7th! Vanessa Mythdust has always done this BINGO event, but this year, she's given her blessing to Stars of the Spiral to continue her tradition. Thank you again, Vanessa!
BINGO 2020 is scheduled for Sunday, June 7th at 12noon CST.
We hope that you'll join us!
We hope that you'll join us!
Step 1: To participate in the Bingo event, the first thing you'll need to do is Save or Print out the Bingo card below.

Step 2:
- Choose only 25 words from the list of 30 below.
- Enter one word per space.
- There are no free spaces on this card.
1. Vanessa Mythdust
3. Wizard101
4. Frostcaller
5. Pirate101
6. Renee Wooften
7. Final Bastion
8. Contest
9. Ratbeard
10. Festival
11. Arcanum’s Archive
12. Dancing
13. Mattnetic
14. Community
15. Friendly Necromancer
16. Bingo
17. Swordroll's Blog
18. Paige Moonshade
19. The Untold Spiral
20. SOTS
21. Wizard101 Devs
22. Sparck
23. AOTS
24. Fansite
25. DuelCircle
26. Prof Falmea
27. Jetsers
28. KingsIsle
29. Petnome Project
30. TheArtOfWarlord
Your BINGO card should end up looking something like this. You can fancy it up if you'd like as long as it's legible. If I can't read it, I won't be able to verify it if you get a winning BINGO.
This example is my actual card from Vanessa's 2018 Bingo event.
This example is my actual card from Vanessa's 2018 Bingo event.
Step 3:
- Attach a picture of your filled in bingo board to a comment on this post. If you have trouble posting it, please email it to and I will post it for you.
- Please also include your @Twittername on your entry.
- ALL bingo boards must be posted/received by Saturday, June 6th at 12noon Central Time.
Sorry, No Exceptions!
It's Time to BINGO!
- The BINGO event will begin on Sunday June 7th at 12noon CST.
- I will be entering all 30 BINGO words above into a random word picker. Please make sure that you're following me on Twitter (@DestinyRain808 ) to play along.
- If you're able to get 5 words in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, mention me on TWITTER (@DestinyRain808) with “BINGO!”
Rule #1: Mention me ONLY if you have a valid "BINGO"
Rule #2: Any Fake BINGO mentions made to me will result in automatic disqualification.
Prizes:There are a total of 9 prizes. If you win once, you are will not be able to win again.
I'm following how Vanessa awarded her prizes in her previous Bingo events:
- First 3 people to make a standard bingo (5 words in a row)
- First 3 people to create an X on their board (Both diagonals – 9 words in all)
- First 3 people to create an + on their board (Both center rows – 9 words in all)
Prizes that will be awarded:
Fantastic Fairytale Bundle - 1 Winner
10K Crown Code - 2 Winners
2500 Crown Code - 2 Winners
Zafaria Pack - 2 Winners
Druid Pack - 2 Winners
10K Crown Code - 2 Winners
2500 Crown Code - 2 Winners
Zafaria Pack - 2 Winners
Druid Pack - 2 Winners
Prizes will be distributed on a first come, first won basis. First winner gets to choose which prize they want. The same applies for every winner after that.
Thank you to Fansite Festival for this annual event and support with prize codes! Also a huge thank you to Wizard101 for making these prize codes available!
Feel free to contact me via Twitter or email if you have any questions!