Friday, October 16, 2020

Newest Release! Wizard101 Pet Trainer Bundle

Wizard101 Pet Trainer Bundle

Pet Trainer Bundle
Release Date: October 15, 2020
Available from GameStop
Bundle Price: $29.00


The newest bundle has just arrived!
It includes:

Pet Burrow & Pet Door Teleporters

Fur Wheeler Mount
Pup Prodigy Pet
Pawzooka Weapon
1 Month Membership or 5000 Crowns

Energy Gear

Gear can be dyed in the Dye Shop
The hat, robe, and shoes in this bundle is identical to the Light Elf Energy Gear!
Levels 20 -120 also has new Animus Extraction spells. Have a look!

Pawzooka Weapon


Mount:  Fur Wheeler Permanent Mount

Pet: Prodigy Pup

Pet Burrow & Pet Door Teleporters
Play as your pet to use these teleporters

This bundle is well worth it even if just for the energy gear!
