Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The New Level 50 Elixir In The Crown Shop

So how do you skip 50 levels? There's a brand new elixir in the Crown Shop that can boost your brand new character to Level 50!

 The elixir to level your character to 50 can be found in the Crown Shop for 30,000 Crowns. Quite hefty in price, but worth it for those who really do not have the time to quest multiple quests to Level 50.

This was pretty cool because they even made you say Abracadabra after saying yes you want to proceed before even giving you the potion, so you do not make a mistake. Two steps that you will have to make to confirm a character boost to Level 50.

Tada, Level 50! I think my dino's happy too! Right?

All of the gear she gets at Level 50. This also includes the permanent Enchanted Broom mount.

Vroom, vroom!

Once level 50, you will be ported to Merle Ambrose's office all spiffed up. Then when speaking to Merle Ambrose, you will be informed right away that you can go to Celestia.

The quests that you will receive in your spell book.

Door to the Stars is the quest to Celestia.
Pet Sounds is the quest to Pet Pavilion.
To The Registrar is the quest to Wysteria.
A Potion For Bartleby is a side quest that doesn't lead to any other quests.

Aren't you excited?! I know I am!
