That Feel When A Goldfish Cracker Goes Bad... -Marissa Petal
No wonder they are made of SHARP Cheddar... -Me
Yes that fish with the very nice big teeth is a balance shark that popped up in the ponds of EU's Wizard101. But notice that the post says, "a unique fish in WIzard101 Europe, only for us for now."
Wait, FOR NOW? Does this mean we in the United States will get this awesome fish in our ponds... soon?! Don't overlook the fact that it said "BALANCE" fish. I wonder if there will be other school sharks? Fire shark, storm shark, etc etc?!
Then there is this...
Notice the sharks on the bottom? This was my daily assignment window today. Is this a clue too? I think that Shark week is coming soon to Wizard101 and I can't wait!!!! Get your reels ready!