Sunday, August 7, 2016

The New Skeleton Key Boss Badges

Have you gotten yours yet? I did! I'm now a Phantom's Menace which I love since it's based off a Star Wars reference. I got it from the Temple Phantom boss in the Hollow Mountain, Kembaalung Village.

What other badges are there, you ask? Here's a complete list of all of the new badges.

Phantom's Menace
Temple Phantom, Hollow Mountain, Kembaalung Village
Wooden Key

Cutter's Bane
Billy Cutter, Side Hall, Barkingham Palace
Wooden Key

In'zhizor's Undoing
In'zhizor, Lower Zigazag
Stone Key

Caged The Elephant
Belloq, Upper Zigazag
Stone Key

Bunferatu's Downfall
Bunferatu, Castle Darkmoor, Darkmoor
Gold Key

Master of the Masterless
Takanobu The Masterless, Cave of Solitude, Mooshu
Wooden Key

Lambert's Damper
Lambert Fire, Crystal Caves, Avalon
Stone Key

Which ones are your favorite? Good luck on collecting them.
