Monday, June 13, 2011

Funny Things That Wizards Say - Part 3

Dessy: "Nah, you don't need healing"
Me: "Well, it's kinda a drag being half dead. I mean.. It's not cool trying to fight with a dead arm and leg. They do get in the way!"

Me: "Hello, this is Kelsey Fireheart. If you are interested in hatching, please leave a message after the beep. Don't forget to leave your name, species of pet, talents you want and how to reach you. IF it's an emergency hatching, please text me or press 1 when this message ends. *BEEEEEEEEEP!*"

Me: "I Efreet you. God Bless and BEGONE!"

The opposing side: "Oh, this is gonna be a easy fight."
Me: "LOL. That's what YOU think."
*Dessy does a Temp and wipes most of their health away*
The opposing side: ":O! We are so gonna lose."
Me: "That's what I said. ROFL!"

"Efreet has a EVIL beard!!"
Me: "I thought he didn't have a beard?"
"Well, then, a EVIL Goatee!!"

Nastrond Dungeon
Dessy: "This is the last battle right?"
Me: "Nope."
*We go to the next battle*
Dessy: "This one?"
Me: "No. There's like what, five fights to go?"
Dessy: "WHAT?! I thought this was a short dungeon."
Me: "That's what you get from not questing much and always doing power levelling."
*We go to the next battle*
Dessy: "I got it... This is not the LAST battle. I know because my storm is also in this dungeon and is in the battle ahead of us. It's those 4 gorilla guys that's the last battle, right?"
Me: "Bravo!.. Although they are NOT gorillas but GIANTS."
Dessy: "Whatever!!!"

*Kelsey rides carpet over the hot blazing sand at her Sultan's Palace*
Me: "WHOOhoooo! I'm surfing on sand! COWBUNGA!!!" "
Me: "Is that a SHARK?!"
*Shark Mount comes and snaps its jaws*
*zooms away on the carpet fast from the Shark*

Dessy: "What do you think of my clothes? I changed the colors. I know I look like a blueberry but.."
Me: "OOH, PERRY!!!!"
Dessy: "Huh?"
Me: *starts singing 'Come Home Perry'*

You know you are a boys best friend.
You're more than just a passing trend.
You're like a treat from a candy store.
Oh Perry,
We love you more than ice cream cakes.
We love you more than bugs and snakes.
We love you more than all things mentioned from before.
Oh Perry, you're extraordinary.

You're kinda short and hairy.
The color of a blueberry.
Yes Perry..
So come home Perry
Come home Perry..."

Dessy: "Are you kidding me right? Very funny!"
Me: "Hehe! PERRY!"

Round 1 of a PvP Battle:
Dessy: *does wild bolt and kills the opposition* "And you doubted me that I could finish a battle in one round?"
Me: "No I did not doubt you. BUT, you got lucky honestly. His partner did not show up. So if he did, then that would mean TWO rounds. :D"
Dessy: *scoffs* "Details, details...."

Me: "Hello!" *sees one of Diana's wiz in battle*
Diana #1: "Lol. Hi! Go on and join the other battle."
Me: "Already on way lol." *joins the Wavebringer battle*
Diana #2: "We have to wait so my other wiz can join. She needs this."
Timothy: "Oh ok."
We wait for a few rounds.
Timothy: "Where's she?"
Diana #2: "Dead."
Timothy: "Uh-Oh!"
Diana #1: *walks up to us and joins*
We LOL. "Oh they are DEAD, not her..."
