This was too funny. With the Gorilla in the back and the Frost Goblin.
Plus T-Rex flapping his tiny arms.
Look at the Genie's tiny head. He always gets it stuck when he's going back home.
I love the way the Squid gets blasted back ROFL. GOOD RIDDANCE!
Cody just walked off my ledge and into the pond.
I still dont know how he does it. I can't even do it ROFL.
And it's MY house.
Is he floating off the floor? ROFL!
I love this photo of my Snake. Lol.
Close up of my beautiful Snake.
This was priceless. I never laughed so hard before.
This was just too cute! Look at his black feet too.
Wig or Hair?.... WIG. ROFL!
I'm still laughing about this one.
If I already showed this one.. It's just too funny not to repeat it.
Me and Diana as Ravens. WOOT!
James and his Crow.. No words has to be said. ROFL.
Wow, what a huge BUG.
He's so cocky. He acts like he's so tough. PLEASSSSSE!
Doggy, come out of hiding... PLEASE?
I have a doggy treat for you?
The Des Army. ROFL!
Present?! I WANNA!
James again. No words has to be said again. ROFL!