Thursday, September 1, 2011

List of Colored Awareness Ribbons

In the honor of all Cancer Survivors and those who have passed from the Cancer Diseases, I have listed all of the Ribbons that is associated with Cancer Awareness. However, I also included ALL of the Awarness Ribbons and all of the reasons those Awareness ribbons stand for because I did not feel right to exclude them. I hope they enlighten you on which ribbon you would like to wear for Cancer Awareness or for your future reference when a special event comes up where you can wear an specific Awareness ribbon. 

Pearl White or Clear Ribbons:
Lung Cancer

White Ribbons:
Multiple Hereditary Exostoses, 
Gay-Teen Suicide Awareness, 
White Ribbon Campaign, The White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood,
Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Disease (SCID or SCID),
Invisible Illness.

Zebra Ribbons:
Rare Disease Awareness,
Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine tumor,
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome awareness

Yellow Ribbons:
Solider Support, Bone Cancer/ Osteosarcoma,
Giving prisoners a Second Chance at Life,
Suicide Prevention,
Endometriosis Awareness

Puzzle Ribbons:

Cloud Ribbons:
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness

Blue Ribbons:
Child Abuse (Solid Light Blue ribbon- Among certain advocacy organizations, ribbon is sometimes worn as a braided bracelet by survivors of violent physical or sexual child abuse in memory of victims.) 
von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) *blue, 
Tuberous Sclerosis *blue, 
Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery *navy blue, 
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, 
Colon Cancer, 
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Freedom of Speech online, 
Canada's National Non-Smoking Week, 
Blue Ribbon Coalition - Responsible use of public lands for the benefit for all recreationists, Hydranencephaly, 
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, 
Addiction Recovery, 
Beat Bullying (UK)

Indigo Ribbons: 
Targeted Invididuals (Bulling, Harrassing, Stalking, Systematic Harrassment and Stalking, etc)

Light Blue Ribbons:
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (with two daisies in the center for identical twins or three for triplets – may be white, light pink or light blue),
Prostate Cancer *sky blue,
Support for 2011 student protests in Chile

Jade Ribbons:
Jade Ribbon Campaign for Hepatitis B,
Liver Cancer

Blue Jeans Denim Ribbons:
Genetic Disorder Awareness

Purple Ribbons:
Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign, 
Spirit Day and victims of Homophobia, 
Sarcoidosis, Lupus, 
Arnold Chiari Malformation, 
Childhood Hemiplegia and stroke, 
Cystic Fibrosis, 
Alzheimer's Disease, 
Pancreatic Cancer, 
Worker's Memorial Day, 
March of Dimes, 
Hidradenitis Suppurativa.

Lavender Ribbons:
Epilepsy *Lavender,
Cancer awareness for all kinds

Periwinkle Ribbons:
Eating Disorders (anorexia, bulimia and EDNOS), 
Esophageal Cancer, 
Pulmonary Hypertension.

Pink and Blue Ribbons:
Genital Integrity, 
Male Breast Cancer, 
Inflammatory Breast Cancer, 
Infant Loss.
Orange Ribbons - 
Animal Cruelty, 
Animal Welfare, 
Multiple Sclerosis, 
Self Injury, 
Energy awareness in Nigeria, 
Kidney Cancer, 
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), 
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome.

Red Ribbons:
Substance Abuse, 
Heart and Stroke.

Grey Ribbons:
Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness, 
Brain Cancer, 

Black Ribbons:
Mourning and Remembrance of the Virigina Tech Massacre and Melanoma.

Pink Ribbons:
Breast Cancer

Green Ribbons:
Cerebral Palsy,
CMV (I think it stands for Cytomegalovirus, Cauliflower Mosaic Virus, Cucumber Mosaic Virus), 
Aging Research, 
Lyme Disease, 
Organ Transplant and Organ Donation, 
Kidney Cancer aka Renal Cell Carcinoma, 
Environmental Protection,
Mitochondrial Disease,
Pedestrian Safety.

Teal Ribbons:
Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndrome, 
Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence, 
Polycystic Ovarian, 
Polycystic Kidney, 
Gynecological Cancer, 
Ovarian Cancer, 
Myasthenia Gravis, 
Tsunami Victims, 
Congential Diaphragmatic Hernia, 
Anti Bullying, 
Batten Disease.

Violet Ribbons:
Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Gold Ribbons:
Childhood Cancer, 
back to sports

Silver Ribbons:
Brain Disorders, 
Ovarian Cancer, Gynecological Cancer

Burgundy Ribbons:
Adults with Disabilities, 
Brain Aneurysms

Red and Blue Ribbons:
Haiti Recovery and Restoration

Red and Black Ribbons:
Atheist Solidarity

Red, White and Blue Ribbons:
Used in Omaha, Nebraska after a deadly shooting at Millard South High School

Orange and Black Ribbons "Ribbon of St. George":
Commemoration of WWII in Post-Soviet Countries

Blue and Black Ribbons:
Concern of Police Survivors (COPS): Support Law Enforcement

Yellow and Green Ribbon "Ribbon of Leningrad Victory":
Olive-green Ribbon in honor of the 65th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi block during WWII

Red and Gold Ribbon:
Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT) 
