I made the list of all world pricing and added all of the crowns up
for you all to check out without always having to remember
exactly how much for each world.
Forgive me if you find any errors in my calculations,
I am not the greatest student of Mathematics.
Please do correct me if you find any errors.
Forgive me if you find any errors in my calculations,
I am not the greatest student of Mathematics.
Please do correct me if you find any errors.
For Crown Players who likes playing PvP
If you buy 24 Hours Day Pass for EACH day of the month
which is on the average 30 days..
The total of Crowns needed would be 7200 Crowns per Month
which costs $15 at base price per month.
Zone Pricing for each World
3,750 crowns total for Wizard City
(Approx. $9.00)
11,895 Crowns total for Krokotopia
(Approx. $24.00)
12,000 Crowns Total for Marleybone
(Approx. $24.00)
10,800 Crowns Total for Mooshu
(Approx. $22.00)
10,800 Total for Dragonspyre
(Approx. $22.00)
10,170 Crowns Total for Celestia
(Approx. $21.00)
19,950 Crowns Total for Grizzleheim & Wintertusk
(Approx. $20.00)
3,000 Total for Wysteria
10,170 Crowns Total for Zafaria
(Approx. $21.00)
Total for ALL Worlds:
92,535 Crowns
(Approx. $169.00 total base price)
We strongly recommend using the Crown Sale twice
and using it to get all of the crowns you need
which would cost you $120
which would give you 120,000 Crowns.
Good Luck!!