Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Share the Forbes Article and You can get Gold and/or Pet!

Forbes talks about how Kingisle is just making amazing games that are going in the direction that gaming hopes to go! Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/patrickmoorhead/2012/07/10/kingsisle-already-leads-where-gaming-hopes-to-go/

But if you help the Forbes article get 10,000 Comments, we all will get a Storm Beetle. If 20,000, a Brave Hound! And for every share of this article on Facebook and Twitter, 1 gold per share, with a max of 2500 gold will be given to all accounts! Read more at: https://www.wizard101.com/game/forbes

This pet is a retired and rare pet that would fill out your pet collection nicely!

The Storm Beetle is dropped in KIFG Games. It's only given as a promo pet.
