Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wizard101's Birthday Bash


We will have a huge Wizard101 Birthday Bash on September 2nd!
We want to thank KingsIsle for creating Wizard101 AND Pirate101
as well as celebrate their birthday!
So in honor of that, we are having a huge party at Kelsey Fireheart's Winter Wind Tower
which will contain the Pagoda Gauntlet for those who want a challenge.

Time and Schedule of Contests will be added when it's closer to the P-Day (Party Day).
We will be adding portbuses as well. Details will come on the P-Day as well.

DATE:    September 2nd

Contests are as follows:

"Search and Find"

We will have a contest where we will place transporters to all of Kelsey Fireheart's houses
and she has a LOT! And you will have to find a chopsticks or something really small.
We will tell you exactly what it is the day of the party.
Winner will have to take a picture and post it on our StarsoftheSpiral Facebook page wall.

Grand Prize: A Month Membership or 5,000 Crowns


"Dress Like A Pirate"

You all will have to dress up as Pirates. We will judge on who is the best.
Be in yer best clothes, ye pirates!

Grand Prize: A Month Membership or 5,000 Crowns

We will be adding more contests and prizes as time goes by. ;)
I so love surprises, don't you?!
