Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Surprise Gift from Wizard101 UK

Thanks to Emy Anemalok, the very lovely Community Manager of Wizard101 UK, she has given a Sheep pet to all Official W101 UK Fansites including my own. Its birth name is Madame Moose. Don't worry, I will change that to just Moose soon. He's very much a male sheep to me. Thank you so much Emy! It's an incredible honor to be given one. I have told her that I will be giving Moose a hug everyday and a chocolate candy. :D I can't wait to travel all over with my little buddy, oh the adventures we will have together!

So, I know a lot of you are curious about the Sheep Pets and the little cute things about it that you would know if you owned it such as how does it dance in the pet training games, can you dye it?, what does its pet page look like? etc etc..

Well here's your answers!

So which color should I dye the pet with? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple, Blue, Black, Gold, White? It's overwhelming. I can't pick, can you help? Put your favorite color below in the comments. Thank you!
