We might have ship parts to make our ship, but what about furniture for our ship,
especially on the deck? There are tons of ideas of how we can make the ship cooler on deck when our friends comes to visit us and sails with us. The opportunities are endless!
Ship & Ship Part Crafting
Along with gear crafting, I hope we get to craft ships and ship parts.
There would be so many different styles and ships that you could make. For instance a burning ship, a frost ship, a ship with many oars sticking out of their hull or a ship that's covered with moss and vines. It also would be cool if we could slap on "wallpaper" on our ships' hulls, Valentine's Day ship "wallpaper" would make our ship's hull covered with hearts for example.
So can you imagine what if we could decorate the decks of our ship?!
I would love to put an telescope on my deck, a spinning globe stand, table with maps, a barrel with swords in it, coils of rope, anchor laying around. Maybe a few cannons next to the sigil for a good measure.
Or have the ability to add more cannons on the main floor. Heaps of gold and a gold chest would fit in beautifully.
Walking The Plank
I also would love to have a literal plank on the ship when I am on my ship. This way people can just walk on it and press X to jump off it which will let them land on their own ship. If no ship are equipped, it will ask you which ship you want to go to (equip). It would be more fun lol.

Where Our Desk and Bed Be!
Or have the ability to add more cannons on the main floor. Heaps of gold and a gold chest would fit in beautifully.
Walking The Plank
I also would love to have a literal plank on the ship when I am on my ship. This way people can just walk on it and press X to jump off it which will let them land on their own ship. If no ship are equipped, it will ask you which ship you want to go to (equip). It would be more fun lol.

Where Our Desk and Bed Be!
Also I hope someday they will open the Captain's Quarters which is a room within the ship
where we can go to and decorate which will be our ship's office.
I can imagine decorating it using the Marleybone's theme. Nice beautiful sofas, desks, chairs, windows with curtains (Hey I'm a girl, so :P) and small things that'd make this office amazing.
Spinning world stand, map table, telescope, heaps of gold and treasure chests. Can you imagine it?
Companions on Deck!
It would be cool if we could go to the bottom floor of the ship and watch our companions manning the cannons. Ahoy Me Hearties, FIREEEE THE CANNONS!
Subodai: "I don't think I like cannons. I'm better with a sword..." *palms face*
After all where do they all go when I steer the wheel? This makes the most sense. I would love to stop my ship and be able to go downstairs and watch them there. Maybe we can promo them here too than having to go to a tavern.
Have a great Valentine's Day, Pirates!
where we can go to and decorate which will be our ship's office.
I can imagine decorating it using the Marleybone's theme. Nice beautiful sofas, desks, chairs, windows with curtains (Hey I'm a girl, so :P) and small things that'd make this office amazing.
Spinning world stand, map table, telescope, heaps of gold and treasure chests. Can you imagine it?
Companions on Deck!
It would be cool if we could go to the bottom floor of the ship and watch our companions manning the cannons. Ahoy Me Hearties, FIREEEE THE CANNONS!
Subodai: "I don't think I like cannons. I'm better with a sword..." *palms face*
After all where do they all go when I steer the wheel? This makes the most sense. I would love to stop my ship and be able to go downstairs and watch them there. Maybe we can promo them here too than having to go to a tavern.
Have a great Valentine's Day, Pirates!