Saturday, March 9, 2013

Find Buddy's Coins! - Week 1

Apparently Buddy the Leprechaun has misplaced his piles of gold coins.
There's 8 piles missing and each one looks like the one in the banner above.
And with each pile, there's a part of a code. If you find the right four parts of the code
and put them in the correct order, you can win a code prize!

They can be found in this BLOG ( Not
They could be anywhere in any of my blog posts.

There are two codes hidden among those piles. They are both a gold rush code (which includes 1 Gold Kirin Mount, 1 Gold Wyvern Mount, 5000 Gold Pieces, 5000 Crowns, 1 Sun Palace House, 1 Hatching Elixir, 1 Additional Castle Elixir, 1 Major Gold Elixir. And a chance of either pet: Death Leprechaun, Myth Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Lucky Leprechaun) or a code for a Viridian Scepter wand!
Hope you find the right four parts for the best prize!

Btw, don't forget to keep trying those codes at since that'll be your only way of knowing if you actually did it right. Good luck to you all!

Nightsong won the Gold Rush pile of amazing loot
Darkwing won the Viridian Specter
This contest is now over.

But please return next week for another contest! 

Don't forget to join our raffle that ends tonight
