Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finding Your Second Passion

When I saw Wizard101.com's new segment in their newsletter to learn how to draw.
I jumped aboard right away and started brushing up on my skills. The last time I drew something was a LONG LONG LONG time ago. So I was curious if I could draw again. Especially on the computer.

So I created the Pixie and the Imp from Wizard101.com's guide.

Then one night, I was talking with a friend and he was saying that there's no icon for the sheep for the KI Free Games. And I thought why not I make an icon for it? I worked all night on it without any guide. The end result was so amazing that I even amazed myself!

This started my desire to keep drawing and improving myself on my own without drawing guides.
And well, you can see my progress so far.

I will try to make a new artwork each week to show you all!

The popular Pixie

The little bean!

The Sheep That Started It All

My darling twin Octopus for Pirate101

Judo Chop!

Are you ready to pounce on those eggs?

And finally here's my latest work; hope you enjoyed my Love Dino!

This taught me that you cannot ever underestimate yourself. You could have hidden talents that's ready to be used. You can try anything you could like, you can practice and do your best. This is just my little fun hobby that I can do in-between games or break times. This is my little second passion! My first real passion is writing. But hey even writers needs a break or something different to break the pattern a bit. 

I hope you find your second passion. Good Luck!
